View Full Version : Times under fire

2nd November 2003, 10:30 PM
Hello everyone,
I was just looking through the Wipeout 3 SE times and noticed that USA players where at the top, I'm assuming that these players are using MODCHIPS to use their PAL version games on their NTSC system? If so all your times are void as there is a techical advantage with this setup.

Recently I caused a large controvesy at Twin Galaxies by submitting a video of Resident Evil Completed in 58:32, which if officiated would have beaten the World Record of 59:58 by a considerable margin. I had been playing the NTSC verion on my modified PAL system & according to some rather technical advantages (mainly framerate differences etc) the time was not recognised. This problem is across the board, all PS games. PAL gamers on your scoreboard should not be playing NTSC versions unless they have an NTSC system & vice versa, NTSC players should not be playing PAL games unless they have PAL systems.

Sorry to be so gloomy, but if you guys really want a fair competition than I'm afraid theres no choice. I can certainly tell you that if you were to send video's of these times with the info of "I used an NTSC system with a modchip to play the PAL version"... your times would be rejected as cheating.


3rd November 2003, 07:57 AM



The tables have been messed up for a while now. They'll all return to normal once the site upgrade takes place.

4th November 2003, 06:13 AM
Hello Wiseman,
Well that's good to hear for competition sake. Keep up the good work guys, the site is always very professional.

Tyson Pelz

4th November 2003, 11:24 AM
that's too bad, coz that's the best of the three of them!
and don't get me started on SE !! wow! (^_-)

4th November 2003, 08:09 PM
Zarg Wrote:

that's too bad, coz that's the best of the three of them!
and don't get me started on SE !! wow! (^_-)

Hi Zarg,
When I get around to it I may have a go at Wipeout 3 SE, I'm not sure how much the rail sliding affects the game if at all. The main reason I havn't submitted times is that I just don't have time & also everytime I tried I was unable due to tech reasons on the site.


4th November 2003, 10:43 PM
your self-esteem seems to be very closely connected to your performance at videogames.

5th November 2003, 12:03 AM
i dont have 3 se or a mod chip. are the times on the charts still messed up because if youre looking at them theyre probably wrong.. also my email is incorrect on the tables. its been correct on this board tho.

5th November 2003, 10:20 AM
The times are still screwed, sadly. :oops:

5th November 2003, 08:27 PM
Hello Lance

Lance Wrote:

your self-esteem seems to be very closely connected to your performance at videogames.

Well I must appologise if I seem a bit forward, I'm affraid being a bit over the top is my game, he he.

I still have a way to go but I'm currently working on the Silent Hill WR, have you played that game? I'm attempting to complete it in under 36 minutes... yep that's the whole game in under 36 minutes, which still suprises me btw!

perhaps when i'm finished I'll play W3SE & Tomb Raider in tandum. I'll make sure I video tape everything too.


Tyson R. Pelz

5th November 2003, 08:44 PM
i watched someone else play the latest version of Silent Hill on the X-box, assisted by someone who is a real fan of such games. i do believe it was the most boring time i ever spent near a videogame, but not because it wasn't me playing. i find that i can watch other people play videogames whilst awaiting my turn, and manage to be entertained, but not for that game. i can understand why someone would play such a game to establish a speed record, but that means that one would have to play that game more than once. i can't imagine myself sticking with that game for more than 20 minutes the first time. you just have to have the right mindset for such games.

one mOre thing... [i love Jackie Chan's Uncle] wouldn't it only really mean anything [if it does at all] if one had the fastest time on the first time through an RPG, since that would demonstrate actual skill at playing them, while the fastest times could only be done after already knowing where everything is, and would therefore be just an execise in efficiency in use of memory of the elements of the game?

uhoh. come to think of it, that's what racing games are about. [except for the sheer exhiliaration of the speed and control, of course]

which brings up one mOre thing. playing an RPG for speed ignores the reason that RPGs exist: to live in an alternate reality. playing for speed means that you're highly aware of the mechanics of the game, highly aware that it is just a game, and therefore cannot live in its world. thus the game is made into just another competition instead of a unique adventure

5th November 2003, 11:11 PM
Lance wrote:

one mOre thing... [i love Jackie Chan's Uncle] wouldn't it only really mean anything [if it does at all] if one had the fastest time on the first time through an RPG, since that would demonstrate actual skill at playing them, while the fastest times could only be done after already knowing where everything is, and would therefore be just an execise in efficiency in use of memory of the elements of the game?
uhoh. come to think of it, that's what racing games are about. [except for the sheer exhiliaration of the speed and control, of course]
which brings up one mOre thing. playing an RPG for speed ignores the reason that RPGs exist: to live in an alternate reality. playing for speed means that you're highly aware of the mechanics of the game, highly aware that it is just a game, and therefore cannot live in its world. thus the game is made into just another competition instead of a unique adventure

Well actually the Silent Hill Series is a survival horror game, RPG's are even more boring! gaining magic points & hit points etc.

Sad to hear that your not interested in these games, they are heaps of fun & yes I agree with everything you wrote. When 'Speed running' a title such as Silent Hill the aim is to know it all off by heart, it goes without saying that the player would have already enjoyed the 'adventure' of the title a few times over before attempting to run through the whole thing at lightning speed, making a mockery of it! lol

Racing is my thing as well... but if you think about it, that's all i'm doing in SH anyway.

So has anyone had a look at that F-Zero GX or somthin on Gamecube?? What do ppl think?


6th November 2003, 12:39 AM
survival:horror, eh? still sort of a role-playing adventure, but in any case, i don't seem to be wired for that sort of thing. it would be good if i could enjoy all types, yes

25th November 2003, 11:20 PM
modchipped systems do not affect the times when playing wipeout. I did not use a pal to ntsc modchip for almost all of my times since I bought the pal ps1. Iv'e said this before but the transfer makes for a much harder race because either it's too faat or runs in black and white. IF the speed of the game is affected, the time is affected the exact same way.