View Full Version : Still fighting n living. The world gonna learn now to change

DJ Techno
21st March 2020, 02:49 PM
Everyone make it through the virus of respiratory issues

Either it was engineered n it escaped
Either it was an old virus from the arctic circle. Due to climate change n
Older things not been around for millions of years
Or something n it’s not the fault of a nation or its people.

Get thru it.
Take health food medicine to help the body fight infections
Change the way ya eating
Sodas and water mixed with flouride.

Cut it out

24th March 2020, 08:13 AM
Either it was engineered n it escaped
Either it was an old virus from the arctic circle. Due to climate change n
Older things not been around for millions of years
Or something n it’s not the fault of a nation or its people.

More likely a new virus that evolved naturally and was transmitted to humans from an animal.

See explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJLXdsO1GBI

24th March 2020, 03:04 PM
Big lmao

Rachel Johnson
29th April 2020, 05:09 PM
Regardless of origins and all the stuff in between, I hope everyone on here is doing OK. It's been a long time since I stopped by, but I wanted to see how people were holding up. Take care of yourselves. <3

9th May 2020, 09:18 AM
I think the Parks and Gyms are going to get a real beating once people get out and about again.
A LOT of junk food and Vino being consumed by people due to boredom, that's if their work has closed down like mine has, and kilos put on :redface:

Oh well, at least the weather has been nice here in Sydney, we are just about to head into Winter.

I bought myself a Keyboard and some soft synths and DAW, so recording some music will keep me occupied [once I get through the 360page manual for the Presonus Studio One 4 Pro DAW - just as bad for the Arturia V collection 7 keyboards tbh ]

9th May 2020, 02:51 PM
Had it tested few days ago, me and my family went negative happy with that.

Since going to third week depending on the phone call. I have been keeping fit like biking and walking solid for two weeks, about 80 miles on bike and 30 miles walking but still drinking too much lol

Good news is l am feeling fitter and still needs to work harder if l can.

Hope you guys and gals are alright

stevie ☺

Rachel Johnson
10th May 2020, 01:07 PM
It's good to see you guys are doing OK regardless. <3

Here in the UK it's still crazy. We have shortages of certain foods where I am (Flour is impossible to get still, as are certain meats and tinned goods) and we have people going out flouting restrictions while whole families are actually passing away from this.

I'm staying in regardless with occasional 1 hour walks around the block. Besides that I'm maintaining my old routine of weights, kickboxing and ballet classes that are now held online by the academy. My work is kaput, since filming has halted on all movie projects, so I'm ambling by with artwork as a source of income.

12th May 2020, 08:11 AM
I hope you never get the Kickboxing and Ballet classes mixed up.:D
Can you wash blood out of a Tutu?

Rachel Johnson
14th May 2020, 08:36 PM
I hope you never get the Kickboxing and Ballet classes mixed up.:D
Can you wash blood out of a Tutu?

Hahaha! Funny thing is, both compliment each other in a really odd way. I've actually taught some of my classmates a few KB moves as part of our warm ups.

And now I want to dye a tutu to look bloody...

DJ Techno
16th May 2020, 11:13 PM
to jonny... actually little german boy. i made the post to see how folks i know from here and outside are doing. so its not ****ing joke.

especially since my country.
has been dealing with that ****tard in the white house. critizing and disapproving things.

yeah. im questioning what is so funny. either the post. that ha edit in it. and i havent been on this forum for years. or because someone from the USA actually has spoke about this pandemic ****. and its been very quiet in here.

hell you can follow my facebook post and be informed. how ****ed up it is.

thank u others for the response and check ups

even thought. one or more of yall. i already have u followed or as a friend on the other social networks.

more to get thru.

when we see 2021

18th May 2020, 01:01 PM
Trump is a disgrace.
I loathed him before he was President.
His grandfather ran bootleg Liquor and whore houses, his father inherited the ill gotten gains and bribed his way into goverrment contracts to build housing for returning GI's after WII, but refused to allow returning African American GI's a place in these developments.

Woodie Guthrie, the famed American country / Folk music player even wrote about 'Óld Man Trump' in one of his songs.

Trump has always been a narcissistic brat, with a sense of entitlement that oozes from his every mannerism.

He is 100% prime pure bred American BS.

Robert De Nero had it right in this interview with the BBC a few days ago.

Good Luck America....with a little luck you'll be rid of Trump soon.....if you don't rid yourself of him, the whole world is going to think you are either complacent, gullible or stupid.

Easiest way to get rid of Trump is to blow up FOX news studios, they are feeding the beast and the source of this stupid disinformation and conspiracy theories that are going around.

18th May 2020, 02:06 PM
Wow, it sure has been a very long time since I last visited the forum. During global quarantine my flight back home to New Zealand from the UK was cancelled, and in the interim months I rediscovered my old love for WipEout when I chanced across my old PSP, with 2097 and 3 still installed via custom firmware. Since then, I've been training on the older games (still awful) and tried Fusion for the first time ijn years on my emulator (expected to dislike it, absolutely loved it). Planning to write something in the WipEout universe: the fantastic story is a real joy to remember.

Stay safe out there fellow pilots, sending my best wishes :)

19th May 2020, 10:13 PM
Yikes, how did that turn out, stuck in the UK? Did you manage to get home in the end? Sounds crazy to have to find a place to stay so short notice :/

All well over here, luckily able to do homeworking so I'm personally not affected too much, but yeah situation is not good, hope everyone's holding strong!

29th May 2020, 03:26 PM
Yikes, how did that turn out, stuck in the UK? Did you manage to get home in the end? Sounds crazy to have to find a place to stay so short notice :/

All well over here, luckily able to do homeworking so I'm personally not affected too much, but yeah situation is not good, hope everyone's holding strong!

Sorry I didn't respond in a very timely fashion Cipher :/ I am still stuck in the UK and won't be able to get home until July/August, by which point I will have been away from home & family for a full year. Living with grandparents atm but yeah, I desperately need to see the family, for obvious reasons. We have to stick together when the going gets rough, and not being there for them and with them is, in a word, heartbreaking. Hope I can get home soon :)

31st May 2020, 11:35 PM
All good, no worries! And wow, would've thought you could make it back by now, but I'm guessing flights are the problem huh? Good to hear you've got family to stay with though, kinda fortunate! Hope you manage to visit them again soon :)

2020 is quite the year huh? The stuff that's going on in America right now is also incredibly appalling, hope this is a turning point at last, but kinda fearing the worst with how it's being handled :( Stay safe out there!

1st June 2020, 11:56 AM
All good, no worries! And wow, would've thought you could make it back by now, but I'm guessing flights are the problem huh? Good to hear you've got family to stay with though, kinda fortunate! Hope you manage to visit them again soon :)

2020 is quite the year huh? The stuff that's going on in America right now is also incredibly appalling, hope this is a turning point at last, but kinda fearing the worst with how it's being handled :( Stay safe out there!

Yeah, global air travel is at a standstill right now to be fair. Although things should be looking up soon. Thanks for the kind words!

Yeah, the American riots are dreadful. Isolation really brings out the true animal in people, it seems.