View Full Version : Airbrake shoulder scheme

10th June 2017, 07:41 AM
Hello, everyone!

I've been wondering, if L2/R2 is the default for airbrakes, how many of you have been switching back to L1/R1?

Also, what about the airbrake sensitivity? Are you finetuning it?


10th June 2017, 07:57 AM
Brake sensitivity 70%, but I might change that, as I'm finding the PS4 controller less responsive than the PS3 one for some reason....neither of my PS4 controllers have been thrashed, so I can only put it down to a design difference.
On a side note, if you drop your air brake sensitivity really low, it can make it problematic in successfully doing side shifts......... so test for a cut off point if adjusting air brakes.

Traditionally the R1L1 button are digital and the R2L2 analoug, so in theory at least, the R2L2 'Should' give finer control.......I suggest people test and find out for themselves.

I, and a lot of other old school Wipeout players only use the R1L1 buttons because that is what we learned on back in the PSone days, where it was the only option, plus I still use the D-Pad.:D

Hybrid Divide
10th June 2017, 07:58 AM
I always use L1/R1, since 2097.

10th June 2017, 08:37 AM
Brake sensitivity 70%, but I might change that, as I'm finding the PS4 controller less responsive than the PS3 one for some reason....neither of my PS4 controllers have been thrashed, so I can only put it down to a design difference.
On a side note, if you drop your air brake sensitivity really low, it can make it problematic in successfully doing side shifts......... so test for a cut off point if adjusting air brakes.

Traditionally the R1L1 button are digital and the R2L2 analoug, so in theory at least, the R2L2 'Should' give finer control.......I suggest people test and find out for themselves.

I, and a lot of other old school Wipeout players only use the R1L1 buttons because that is what we learned on back in the PSone days, where it was the only option, plus I still use the D-Pad.:D

You mean people DON'T use the Dpad? I can't function with the swizzle sticks. I've found the R2/L2 to be less responsive than the PS3 controller, but I would wager that the reason is because I'm not fully used to PS4 controls for WO.

10th June 2017, 11:29 AM
I still keep airbrakes on L2/R2, because I've switched left/right with L1/R1 (in PS4 Accessibility settings). You know, for blazing fast barrel rolls.

10th June 2017, 11:54 AM
Ive switched back to L1/R1 and dpad in year 2097 ;)

10th June 2017, 12:12 PM
I still keep airbrakes on L2/R2, because I've switched left/right with L1/R1 (in PS4 Accessibility settings). You know, for blazing fast barrel rolls.
Mind blown

10th June 2017, 12:19 PM
R2 L2 here, and i use dpad too, sticks 2 hard

10th June 2017, 12:19 PM
I found Zone mode unplayable with L1/R1 as airbrakes so stuck to the default. In the PS1 games and BallisticNG you have a lot of control by pushing airbrakes for short periods of time but here if you push the button all the way down (seems hard to control on ps4 pad) it does almost an immediate 30 degree turn which is a bit much. If there was some way to do slighter turns with L1/R1 I'd switch back, I liked how they worked in the older games.

10th June 2017, 01:47 PM
Been using R2/L2 at 100% sensitivity since 2009, with the analogue stick :)

Light Buster
10th June 2017, 11:28 PM
I switched it to L1/R1 off the rip.

11th June 2017, 07:07 AM
I used to use L1/R1 on HD/Fury, but on Omega I've kept it on L2/R2 and just dropped the sensitivity to 80%. I found the triggers on the DS4 to be easy to keep a grip on and in most cases I'm only after a light tap to get the tail of the craft to turn in. I'm finding it far easier to prevent myself accidentally sideshifting too.

11th June 2017, 10:57 AM
Wow, 13 - 13 so far! Interesting. I'll try fine tuning L2/R2 and see what I get out of it...

11th June 2017, 10:15 PM
Actually L2/R2 on 80% seems nice!

12th June 2017, 01:25 AM
I've stuck with L2/R2. I have to go with what's most comfortable for longer periods of time these days and having my fingers further back leaves my thumbs less constricted.

I'm so relieved that the face buttons are no longer analogue. That's a massive quality of life improvement for me, they were hard to keep held down hard enough.

12th June 2017, 10:48 AM
Bumpers with 100% sensitivity, keeping it old school ;)

I'm curious about the L2/R2 with 80% sensitivity scheme, might try that one.

16th June 2017, 09:12 PM
Hellfire taught me to use R1 and L1 and yeah, I think they're much more comfortable and reliable than triggers

16th June 2017, 11:58 PM

I use R1/L1 as Fire/Absorb.

17th June 2017, 01:17 AM
I switched to L1/R1 in Omega, because double tapping triggers (sideshifting) is not convenient for me.
I wish there were a way to bind airbrakes to both L1/L2 and R1/R2 !

Anyway, I think I used the same setup in HD/Fury and probably before that.
I would add that barrel rolls and pitch adjustments are difficult for me due to the d-pad (I haven't bothered to try analog).
By far, my favourite device for playing was an arcade stick (=> no analog), unfortunately, I don't have an adapter for PS4 yet.

17th June 2017, 05:09 AM
How do you use R1 and L1 for barrel rolls? Do you remap the dpad to L1 and R1? But still use the analog stick for steering?

17th June 2017, 10:21 AM
I don't use R1/L1 for barrel rolls, I use the d-pad, as I do for steering.
I won't try it because I don't like analog, but your idea should work !

17th June 2017, 11:21 AM
I usually use L1/R1 for airbrakes but I´m reading here peole are using thos e buttons to do barrell rolls which is a really nice idea besides the fact you need a lot of practice when using new layouts. Sooo I´ll give it a try.

17th June 2017, 11:47 AM
It's possible to map barrel rolls to L1/R1 without remapping the steering? o_O

19th June 2017, 01:20 AM
Yes it is, it takes a bit of getting used to but it's definitely got legs, left stick for steering L1 R1 for barrel rolls. Tis the Link method. Called it 😀. Remap left dpad and right dpad to L1 R1.

19th June 2017, 03:40 AM
Yes it is, it takes a bit of getting used to but it's definitely got legs, left stick for steering L1 R1 for barrel rolls. Tis the Link method. Called it 😀. Remap left dpad and right dpad to L1 R1.

I gotta lol a little bit at the irony here because it says "new pilot" beneath your name. That part certainly isn't true.

I did have a question about this method though. How does this work with sideshifts? There are certain rolls you SS into. How do those work? Seems like double trigger sideshifts would be awful hard to pull off.

19th June 2017, 12:51 PM
I tried L2/R2 but I can't do sideshifts with triggers.
So I use L1/R1 with 50% sensibility (if it changes something with L1/R1... don't know actually).
Square is thrust, Cross to fire and triangle to absorb.

19th June 2017, 02:15 PM
I tried L2/R2 but I can't do sideshifts with triggers.
So I use L1/R1 with 50% sensibility (if it changes something with L1/R1... don't know actually).
Square is thrust, Cross to fire and triangle to absorb.

Wait, so how do you side shift then? Wouldn't mapping them to r1 l1 override the top trigger barrel rolls?

19th June 2017, 07:47 PM
I gotta lol a little bit at the irony here because it says "new pilot" beneath your name. That part certainly isn't true.

I did have a question about this method though. How does this work with sideshifts? There are certain rolls you SS into. How do those work? Seems like double trigger sideshifts would be awful hard to pull off.

I never really managed with the whole side shift barrel roll, can never seem to get enough air, always used left stick for turning / barrel rolls and L2 R2 airbrakes. Tried the L1 R1 remapping last night and can definitely see a benefit, using the left stick for steering I would have trouble pitching up and barrel rolling, as soon as I started to roll the nose would drop. Been finding rolling using DS4 a lot more inconsistent than with DS3, could be because of the shorter sticks or something. As for double trigger side shifts I have fingers on all the triggers all the time anyway, biggest issue I have with this method at the moment is it missing the roll but taking the energy if you do it to quickly, something Linkinito mentioned in the bugs and glitches thread.

As for the new pilot tag, yeah might have to change that 😀

20th June 2017, 09:44 AM
Wait, so how do you side shift then? Wouldn't mapping them to r1 l1 override the top trigger barrel rolls?

Hi man,

Hum, I don't get it :)
With airbrakes on L2/R2 I often fail sideshifting because I have trouble to double tap on analog triggers. It's always been like this.
With airbrakes on L1/R1, I can double tap easily ;).

I don't see the pb with BRs, it's still left/right/left. And I use d-pad... I'm not able to BR with analog stick :D



20th June 2017, 02:53 PM
Oh my apologies. I thought you were talking about maping left and right to the r1 l1 buttons I just misread that.

20th June 2017, 09:29 PM
Well regarding the thread I think a clarification is needed with my L1/R1 steering.

First, I keep my airbrakes on L2 and R2 because I'm confortable with them and I don't have much trouble to sideshift (I might consider switching if I need really advanced sideshifts to do more barrel rolls).

Second, I don't like using the d-pad to steer, for the comfort of the analog sticks and being able to take smooth corners better with the analog - and trust me, adjusting the nose pitch is much better with the barrel roll layout because pressing up (on the d-pad) won't interfere with the barrel roll.

Ok, so now here's the trick.

The PS4 allows you to switch any of your buttons for another on the controller on the Accessibility Settings. I use that method to switch left with L1, and right with R1.
Then in-game, I switch L1 with Triangle. I don't switch camera.

So my new layout is:
X - Thrust
Square - Shoot
Circle - Absorb
Triangle - 180°/EMP/Cancel Lap
Left Stick - Steer and Nose pitch
Right Stick - Unused
L2 - Left Airbrake
R2 - Right Airbrake
L1 - Steer Left
R1 - Steer Right
D-pad Up - Nose pitch down
D-pad Down - Nose pitch up
D-pad Left - Camera switch
D-pad Right - Unused

So now, you're able to steer and pitch your nose with your left thumb, and barrel roll with your indexes. This allows blazing fast barrel rolls.

You can also switch airbrakes and steering to your own preference. So you can switch the airbrakes on L1/R1 and put steering on L2/R2 with the accessibility settings.

There's two downsides to this mapping:
- You'll need to disable the custom layout in the PS4 settings each time you want to play another game. Also, to navigate left/right in the PS4 menus, you'll need to use L1/R1 until you disable the custom layout.
- There's a glitch that I call "double cancel". Basically, it happens when you want to do a barrel roll fast enough, and you press the buttons so fast that you'll hear the barrel roll sound playing, but nothing will happen, and you'll lose not 15 energy, but 30. I think this is because the game tries to do both barrel rolls simultaneously. As a result, two barrel rolls are deducted from your energy tank, but the barrel rolls will cancel each other and you won't get any boost. I'm pretty sure this is an overlook by the original developers as you're not supposed to press left and right simultaneously on the d-pad, and in analog it's simply impossible because you can't do left and right on the same stick.

As a matter of fact, some "elite" controllers (Nacon Revolution Pro, Razer Raiju, SCUF, Burn, Emio) offer back paddles on their controllers and you can map them to any button, so you can use them to barrel roll without even bothering with the PS4 accessibility settings.

Of course, if you're a seasoned player and you're used to the old school barrel rolls, keep your habits - but you should give it a try. And new pilots might find this layout interesting.

21st June 2017, 08:12 PM
I read about your technique on page 1 before this explanation a few days ago and was super hyped. Tried it out this morning and i failed miserably.
Side shifts and regular airbrake usage combined with (upcoming) barrel rolls make my brain tilt.

It sounded so perfect.. but ill stick with the normal settings :/

Thane Corrigan
23rd June 2017, 04:44 AM
Played digital with the L2/R2 layout since 2097 (which I guess is the equivalent of DS4's L1/R1), skipped Wip3out, picked up again from Fusion and Pure.

I switched to the L2/R2 triggers when I got HD Fury, and even set it to 100% sensitivity. If I want to go from an easy right hand turn, then tighten slightly beyond the normal turning speed, and then fully apply the airbrakes for a hairpin turn, the wider range of airbrake positions really helps. I can have a much more smooth and controllable change. But sometimes even the lightest touch puts so much drag on the ship and slows me down so much that I lose out on a lot of speed.