View Full Version : Attempting to create a WipEout craft...

4th January 2016, 11:46 PM
Okay, so I've been sitting on this for some time. I've got a theory which may make Wipeout a feasible thing. It's a bit hard to explain, but here goes.
I've seen videos of RC helis lifting a woman. she weighed about 120 lbs or so, and the helis lifted her with ease.
I've also seen the ground effect for helis, where less power is needed to hover at a height equivalent to the length of one rotor blade, essentially.
So what I'm trying to do is make a frame you sit in, with actual air brakes, and pitch control for the electric rotors. Almost a ground effect craft, but it can hover at a standstill.
It's a crazy idea, but I want to do it because you never know until you try. I'm thinking about a kickstarter for it, as the rc parts that I need aren't something I can order with my empty wallet, unfortunately. But the first iteration of this would be a frame, somewhat bicycle-like, that I would sit on and attempt to lift off the ground as proof of concept. The goal my friend and I agreed on was to make something that looks close to the video game craft, and have it available for only as much as it costs to make one. Is this something that interests people? Questions welcome.

6th January 2016, 02:48 AM
Some images of said idea:
Original drawing for it, strangely it shows as right side up in my computer:
Excuse the mess of a CAD drawing, this one's mostly to show the frame a bit more.
So as you can see, it's going for the AG-Systems/Harimau shape.
I'll be posting some cleaned up images of this later, once I can fix the hard drive they were stored on.

7th January 2016, 03:38 PM
Hi HighSpeedRevolution and welcome to WipeoutZone :)

For some reason I can not open your attachments.

What you suggest looks like a hovercraft (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercraft), isn’t it?

Currently the most promising technology to achieve a real Wipeout craft would be Quantom Locking, nicely presented by Boaz Almog a few years ago (https://www.ted.com/talks/boaz_almog_levitates_a_superconductor) but we still need to overcome a few hurdles to make it applicable outside a laboratory.

7th January 2016, 05:56 PM
It's a sound concept, but it's very tricky to control it.


In essence what you're describing is VTOL (vertical take off/landing) technology which has been around for a while.

The use of airbrakes as a means to control the ship doesn't really work unless you're going really fast, since that's when air drag becomes a significant force, and at an RC scale your airbrakes will have to be a bit disproportionate to the rest of the ship, in size. You can follow the example of the Harrier, which uses pressurized air jets for pitch, bank and yaw.

7th January 2016, 11:51 PM
I'm mostly going for the usage of pitch control with a gyro, so no barrel rolling and hopefully a bit of maneuverability. As for quantum locking, I would need a track specially made for the craft, and I'm not a rich man, lol.
http://s18.postimg.org/512qoo2c5/20160105_113248.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/512qoo2c5/)
http://s8.postimg.org/awgju73ld/asdgasgdxghddfv_1.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/awgju73ld/)
I hope these photos are visible.
I'd consider it a skirtless hovercraft, as the bottom of the craft will be a bit concave to guide the air underneath it, so it's not a true AG craft.

18th April 2016, 10:12 PM
Check this out!!!


reminds me of the 2048 trailer, evolution of AntiGravity tech,

Hybrid Divide
18th April 2016, 11:48 PM
Yeah I know! Isn't that cool? I think I posted a link about this a few months ago, but I hadn't seen this video yet! Very cool!

19th April 2016, 02:29 AM
Spherical tires have a much smaller contact surface, I imagine hydroplaning or just drift out of control in that being very easy compared to normal tires.

19th April 2016, 09:38 AM
I love that idea, BUT I have to smile everytime when someone came up with something, presenting it on big fair or just on internet without actually trying it. I can speak from my own experience, I'm product designer and I've fooled myself (and other people around me as well) that if you are not entirely sure about something, you should try if it works first.

19th April 2016, 09:36 PM
Spherical tires have a much smaller contact surface, I imagine hydroplaning or just drift out of control in that being very easy compared to normal tires.

the tyre is free rotating, so control is better than a normal tyre, the car hovers above the wheels essentially mag locked to the wheels,