View Full Version : The 12 Days Of Christmas: WipEout Edition

Hybrid Divide
24th December 2015, 03:58 PM
Merry Christmas and such to everybody!

So I had a funny idea this morning. You all know the song "The 12 Days of Christmas", right? I started thinking up verses for a WipEout version, but I need your help to finish it!

I've got ideas for a few of them, but let's get some suggestions and take some votes and come up with a full song! THEN, if people are feeling up to it, make a video of yourself singing it, and I'll eventually stitch them together into a little community video we can post! :D

Ok, so here we go!

On the first day of Christmas, WipEout gave to me:

"A new game announced at E3!"

(I think we all can agree on this, yes? :D)

Or "A kiss from Ariel Tetsuo!"

Other ideas for other numbers...

Two FEISARs flying.
Twelve Prototype Tracks

You get the idea... :)

Thane Corrigan
24th December 2015, 05:16 PM
Just a thought. Keep in mind that the lines for "Four...", "Three..." and "Two..." change their metre (the timing of each syllable) when it gets to the "FIVE SOMETHING BLAH!" line.
It somewhat restricts the words that fit snuggly. Not too much, but noticably. I imagined "Two new speed classes", it sounded ok to begin with but the change in metre made it sound odd.

How about "Eight grid positions"? Even if it's only been the case in the first Wipeout and from Pure onwards.

Hybrid Divide
24th December 2015, 05:41 PM
Not bad. Keep it up!

26th December 2015, 05:26 PM
On the first day of Christmas, Wipeout gave to me:
Twelve cannons blasting
Eleven hates of Citta
Ten rages from Khumala
Nine rockets shooting
Eight ships on the grid
Seven Harimau's turboing
Six plasmas destroying
Four SL logos
Three wrecked Tigrons
Two thumbs up from Roberto Sergio
And a kiss from Natasha Belmondo! :)

Hybrid Divide
28th December 2015, 03:57 PM
Hehehe! Not too shabby! Maybe we'll have to revisit this in a year or so. Could be fun. :)