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Thread: [QUESTION] wipeout 2097 on win xp

  1. #1

    Default [QUESTION] wipeout 2097 on win xp

    i've got wipeout 2097 for pc but it's not possible to install (the message: wipeout needs windows 95) - any idea how to manage that prob ?? i'd love to play it (already got it on psx - but ... hey that babe is 7 years old and doesn't work anymore ) on my pc !!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    PSN ID


    The chances are you wont get it working unless you have a PC with an older Windows installation. I've played it under Windows '98 SE, so you wouldn't have to go too retro to get it to work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Florida, USA


    Actually, I got it working just fine under Windows XP. Just right click on the Setup.exe which is on the CD, goto the Compatibility (I think) tab and choose Windows 95. After that, click OK, and run Setup. When it's installed, find where you installed it to, and perform the same action to wipeout2.exe. It should work, but FAST on any respectable computer. You'll probably need cpuKill or something like that to make it playable. If not, you should probably re-format and put Windows 98 on that computer anyways, running XP on anything that runs Wipeout XL at normal speed is kind of like trying to tow a tractor-trailer with a Geo Metro.

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