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Thread: Logos?

  1. #1

    Default Logos?

    This might be a stupid question (and forgive me, cause I'm new to the games and everything). I know about the Chemical Brothers and F.S.O.L. logos appearing in the game, but what about the stylized "A" logo (white half-circle with a dot underneath)? An old Astralwerks logo? I think the grey one made of circles is probably a Fluke logo (like their logo with the name appearing as phone buttons). Any help, please? Just something that I've been wondering about...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    PSN ID

    Default stylized "A"

    i suppose its "just" a pure miTDR style logo without any deeper meaning...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Default Logo question

    Don't worry - I'm new to the games as well, with just as many questions.

    I've got a pretty extensive collection of Wipeout graphics, and research through it turned up this answer: it seems to be an early appearance of a Wipeout 3 Auricom logo. It looks quite a bit like just the cap "A" from the spelled-out corporate logo used in 3.

    I have the new Mac OS X version of the game, and all the signage has been changed to team logos. There's no Red Bull or music group logos at all, so I know that these graphics can vary depending on the port.

    I believe the PC version of the game was ported quite a bit after the PS version came out, so perhaps new tDR material for Wipeout 3 made it into the game at that point. I would think it's possible. Look at it this way: when the Mac version was ported, Wipeout Fusion was already on the market!

    Hope this helps,

  4. #4


    Auricom was probably trying to reinvent themselves just then, I guess. I was finally able to get Fluke's video for "Atom Bomb" from KaZaA (after about 5 weeks of off and on downloading), and I was able to confirm for myself that the grey circles logo is indeed a Fluke logo. Video still kicks ass, too. Baby's got an atom bomb!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Default fluke video

    yeah that video is cool - but there is also a 2nd version of the video. you can find a horrible low-res download on the japanese W'O''-site somewhere, which definitly shows another videoclip for "atom bomb".

    (btw: got the real fluke video also by kazaa) but "grey circles logo is indeed a fluke logo"? not in the game or what... maybe i misunderstand you synth-consc

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dumfries, Scotland, UK

    Default 1997

    // 1997 - TheYearTheyDroppedTheAtomBomb™

    i only just bought Fluke's Risotto LP. i remember hearing the un-edited album version of Atom Bomb on the radio when i was 13. i also saw the video for Atom Bomb on tv that same year and i thought it was great. i had also played the demo of 2097(XL) around about then. i think 1997 was probably one of the best years i ever lived...from an arts and culture point of view. TDR did alot of artwork for Fluke, it was nice.

    *Myke has lost himself in a dream*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Adelaide, South Australia


    Yep - Risotto is great, and the design pretty much sums up a DR era thus passed.
    I have the Japanese release too ^_^

    Consortium - Is the Red Bull sign still in the intro movie? (it should flash a sign with the blue and white with "Power Up!" on it, before it cuts to the DR Angryman logo)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden


    No, there is no RB in the whole game (whew!). The Psygnosis logo cuts right to the DR Angryman... fine by me, as Red Bull isn't even on my cultural radar screen...


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