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Thread: when your craft explodes at the wrong place/time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    today ive played the phantom-challenge (remind: finally have a true 2097 for saturn) and i never mind using the pitlane - i always poker the whole race that i have enough energy to finish it ;-)

    ok - but today my craft exploded on ODESSA KEYS, exactly before one of the tow jumps. and - can u imagine? i dont know if you ever had this situation:

    due to the explosion the craft slowed down and exactly stopped at that part where no track exists - directly between the two path parts of the jump. the robot was holding it forever - and all coming crafts had to jump over ;-)


  2. #2


    A few nights ago on Sagarmatha, I had no shield energy left, yet I crossed the finish line and made 1st place...but not before I had been hit by an Elecbolt fired by a tailgating Qirex, and the warning klaxon, I blew up about a split second after I crossed the line. Actually, I think I started to blow up right as soon as I crossed. "Yessss! I made it! ...Oh, crap....!! " *BOOOOM!!* Instead of watching my ship make its victory lap, I had to settle on the camera circling the smoke that issued from where my craft used to be. Bittersweet, indeed. :cry:

    ...Some really weird things have happened to me in XL...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    that happened to me in wo3; crossed the finish line after being hit by a missile and exploded after winning the race. i couldn't get a replay of the race

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I come from a land down under
    GMT + 8


    weird indeed
    i was jostling with a quirex for 3rd. We were both low on sheilds, so we headed to the pits, but that cheeky quirex nocked me a bit (i was REALLY low on sheilds, one knock and i'd blow up, curse the AG 5y5's weak sheild!) and i started to blow up.
    the weird thing was, i blew up in the pit lane with a full sheild!
    See if any one can top THAT!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Darlington, England


    i had a double kill, me (auricom) and a feisar (right???) a missile each, heading down the broken bridge straight at sargmatha then we both fired the missiles *foosh* *BABANG* i hit him same time he hit me "contender eliminated" "oh dammit" *BOOM* our ships went hitting the end tunnel corner.. what a shame

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Synthetic Consciousness
    A few nights ago on Sagarmatha, I had no shield energy left, yet I crossed the finish line and made 1st place...but not before I had been hit by an Elecbolt fired by a tailgating Qirex, and the warning klaxon, I blew up about a split second after I crossed the line. Actually, I think I started to blow up right as soon as I crossed. "Yessss! I made it! ...Oh, crap....!! " *BOOOOM!!* Instead of watching my ship make its victory lap, I had to settle on the camera circling the smoke that issued from where my craft used to be. Bittersweet, indeed. :cry:
    Condolences to the pilot's family in their tragic situation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    the plateau


    so many times i have been on gare de europa and have been blowen up by some git in his poxy little feisar, only to glide into the pits and die with a load of health.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Hey, don't know if any of you experienced this one, becouse it happened to me relatively a lot of times -
    WO2097 - Gare d' Europa
    Just after the first tunnel the track goes up, then goes down straight into the red tunnel:
    I was at full speed piloting Quirex, started to prepare to enter the sharp turn (Quirex's got a fat ass ). I Entered the red tunnel, hit the airbrake, and the rear end of my machine smashed the wall so hard that the Quirex was stuck in the wall (?).
    What's moreover I couldn't get out of there for a second or two, and I was loosing energy very fast (just like I've beed hitting the wall constatnly and couldn't stop it). After that, just when I had a tiny stripe of energy left, I got out of the wall, and then I was shot straight into the seiling of the tunnel, bouncing like a ball. The last thing I was left with was to watch as my craft explodes after two laps of competition.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    that's the first time i've ever heard of getting stuck in a wall in one of the Wipeouts; though it's happened a couple of times in Vigilante8 Second Offense. [well, in the PSX version, not the Dreamcast one]

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Weymouth, Dorset, UK
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    Default try this!!

    try to do this. get very low energy and when you hear the incoming missile warning get killed, if you explode in time you get to see the missile circling were you used to be until it runs out of range!! :

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Here and there.


    Same thing happened to me, AmigoJack, except over land: right on the jump, got killed, the wusswagon; get this; was hovering over LAND (on the wall) with the humming still going on, and smoke coming from the wall... "Oh wtf...? HEY DAD GET OVER HERE, CHECK THIS OUT!"

    EDIT: Oh and, another one of those getting-killed-right-after-you-finish things: Just for an experiment, right before the finish line I started hitting the wall over and over again tilted so that I would move closer to the line every time I hit (Sagarmatha track) and my shield energy ran out, exactly when I passed. "GOGOGOGO- DING!"

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