Quote Originally Posted by Yuschmuhck View Post
I have been playing Wipeout games for a while now, but I only recently became aware of how the community sees glitches as sick and wrong and, honestly i'm just dumbfounded.
Honestly, it's really quite simple... Glitches and exploits are things which the average user cannot infer from the given gameplay model.

When the thing the elevates games like Wipeout HD is the sheer quality and depth of its gameplay, unless the game is utterly broken and finding glitches or exploits is actually difficult to avoid (hint: that ain't the case here), providing anyone and everyone the means to break the gameplay is something no fan of said gameplay would like to see.

Also, as others have said, glitches are not in their own right universally hated. One glitch in particular is quite well-loved: accessing Syncopia in non-zone modes. Notice this glitch doesn't change the gameplay.

I'd argue BSB is not that well loved, but the fact it doesn't stray at all too far from the gameplay model and was too widespread before raising flags is probably what warrants its perseverance.

Quote Originally Posted by Yuschmuhck View Post
I have literally never seen a community that hates glitches so much to the point that they will ban people for sharing them.
I don't recall seeing anyone banned from the community for sharing glitches or exploits? Posts deleted, sure; some overzealous comments, maybe.

If I'm missing something, I'd like to know.

Quote Originally Posted by Yuschmuhck View Post
Why? I just don't understand what the issue is. You people just seem like you're trying so hard to hide facts and information, just because it might force you to play the game a little differently.
The issue is that glitches are in a different category of fun than the kind fans of WO want the game to be known for.

Further, the games have leaderboards which are supposed to represent how good someone is at the game. Exploited times being inserted is against the spirit of fair competition, and wreck the purpose of leaderboards for everyone. There is nothing glitchers and exploiters have to gain by posting their broken times to the leaderboards except for misplaced bragging rights. Again, giving everyone with access to the internet the ability to break the leaderboards is a recipe for game-wide community dissatisfaction.

Forcing people to play "a little" (I take it you aren't actually aware of what many glitches are capable of) differently is simply not what the community wants. People, perhaps surprisingly for you, actually want to enjoy what the game has to offer on its own merits.

I hope this answers your concerns satisfactorily.