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Thread: JX350 Racing League Pilot Profiles

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  1. #1
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    Chapter 10


    Name: Setsuko Tanaka

    Gender: Female

    Birth: February 11, 2199

    Birthplace: Osaka (Japan)

    Age (Currently 2215): 15

    Nationality: Japanese

    Origin: Japan

    Race: Asian

    Languages Spoken: Japanese and English

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 5’4”

    Hair Color: Indigo

    Eye Color: Cyan


    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): Test Pilot

    JX350 IDF: TANA0211.2199

    Team: Auricom

    Position: Secondary Pilot

    Pilot Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Johnathan Hale (American), Hitomi Yamaguchi (Japanese), Eric Patterson (American), Ayaka Hamasaki (Japanese), Tyrrell Byron (American), Rachel Vega (American), Tara Shannon (Irish)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: AG-Systems, Goteki 45, Mirage, Piranha, Buster Harding (American/Triakis)

    Rivals: Polina Petrov (Bulgarian/Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 3, Silver: 11, Bronze: 9

    Sponsors: Anti-Gravity Development, Auricom, Belmondo Foundation, Good Smile Company, Good Smile Racing, Mindcorp

    Favorite Event: Time Trial

    Favorite Track: Any

    Leagues Completed: JX350

    Character Traits: Friendly, Keen, Smart, and Thoughtful


    Awareness: 8/10

    Aggression: 7/10

    Consistency: 10/10

    Reaction/Reflexes: 8/10


    Every racing team is going to need a test pilot or two. Whenever you need to test a new ship or a new tune-up, someone is going to be needed to ensure that the ships work properly and for safety purposes. AG-Systems’ Jason Croshaw is one such test pilot, who has been with the team since their reformation and is still a development pilot to this day, but others such as Malatya Radovan of Assegai and Lauren Taylor of Triakis are good examples of test pilots who recently stepped up into the professional series. While Auricom has run many tests on their ships, there was no official test pilot for the team. That is until a set of Auricom engineers just happened to turn up with one. Setsuko Tanaka is the test pilot of Auricom, as well as the junior pilot for the racing team, who has raced alongside the Miracle Eight of both AG-Systems and Auricom and has changed the latter forever.

    Setsuko was born in Osaka of Japan. Her family are currently engineers working for Auricom Research Industries in Japan. The family was one of the few people responsible for working on Auricom’s newest craft, the ACM-9K0, with better thrust and handling abilities compared to their previous ship the ACM-8K. Despite making such a successful craft, there was no official test pilot for the team and many officials began to look for someone to test the craft. However, there was nobody willing to help the team to test the craft. However, the Tanaka family happened to turn up a test pilot to test the ship, their daughter Setsuko.

    Setsuko began to use AG-technology at a young age, able to ride antigravity scooters with ease and was able to create simple pieces of AG-technology. The mother and father of the family soon brought their daughter to the Auricom facility in Japan and as they were working, she was found wandering about in the facility, eventually visiting the testing grounds for the ACM-9K0. After many visits, it was clear that she was interested in the ship. The family recommended to the Auricom officials to have her test the ship and they did. Setsuko got her piloting license at a young age and she was seen testing the ship whenever she can. It was also clear that she can fly the ship with such finesse, taking the ship past its limits. The family then decided to help her learn the art of racing.

    Setsuko’s family learns that a new academy has opened up in Tokyo, the Good Smile Racing Academy, designed to help students learn the art of AG-racing at a young age. The family soon became interested in the new academy and with their recommendation they sent their daughter to the academy to help her learn the art of racing. When the first initial evaluation came about, Setsuko passed with flying colors, giving her a seat in the academy. She was quick to make a friend in the academy, Jessica Caluroso. The two soon took the second initial evaluation together and both passed with flying colors and the two became the top students of the academy along with eight other students who befriended them in the academy later on.

    Setsuko then went on to pass her classes and exams in the Good Smile Racing Academy alongside Jessica. The two soon made friends with the other top students of the academy. The American students Michael Sanderson, Johnathan Hale, Alexis Anderson, and Eric Patterson. And the Japanese students Mizuki Nakajima, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Sora Akiyama, and Ayaka Hamasaki. The ten students were soon involved in a collaboration to bring down the school’s bully, Polina Petrov, who is responsible for stealing the valuables of the school’s students, including her friends. It was thanks to her that she was able to help them get their valuables back. She also helped them in getting their official piloting licenses so that they can fly in antigravity ships for racing and private purposes.

    Setsuko graduated with excellent marks and top honors and soon earned the attention of Jessie Fairbank, team principle of Auricom, who knows her very well. Jessie, along with team principle of AG-Systems, Sakura Tanaku, made a one season partnership with the Good Smile Racing Academy to promote the new academy that opened up. In turn, the two teams would bring along the top ten students of the academy for their teams, five for each team. She immediately recruited Setsuko along with Johnathan, Hitomi, Eric, and Ayaka to round out her Auricom junior team, Auricom Academy. Sakura on the other hand recruited Michael, Mizuki, Alexis, Sora, and Jessica to round out her junior team, Friends in Speed. Setsuko returned to America to train up for the inaugural season of the JX350 junior racing league.

    As Setsuko was a test pilot for the ACM-9K0, a lot of Auricom officials were expecting her to get used to the ACM-8K quickly. However, the ACM-8K was heavier than its successor and handled poorly than the newer ship. Getting used to the older ship would be a daunting task, however, she had just the right friend to help her with that. Ayaka Hamasaki just happened to have the same issue with the ACM-8K and she set out to make the ship better. Setsuko joined her and after many tune-ups and testing, courtesy of Setsuko’s prior experience of testing many of Auricom’s race craft, they were able to make the craft race ready and within regulations after running many tests on the ship. It was clear that their hard work paid off and the newly tuned ACM-8K was able to maneuver a lot more easily thanks to the tune-up when tested on the Belmondo Test Site, located in Nevada, astonishing many of the trainees and engineers that witnessed the five new recruits pilot the ship. The ACM-8K performed very well and with Ayaka running diagnostics and tune-ups on the ship and with Setsuko doing the testing, the two, along with their friends, became popular amongst the Auricom team, catching the attention of the professional pilots of the team, Tyrrell Barron, Rachel Vega, and Tara Shannon, who were impressed by her preseason performance. After running a special event at the Amphesium, located in Las Vegas, Nevada as an extension, Setsuko was placed as a wingman for the Auricom junior racing team.

    Setsuko’s first event during the JX350 was a Zone Battle on Vineta K, located on the man-made island of Makana in the Pacific Islands, where she scored her first bronzed medal off the get-go, followed up by a silver and eventually a gold at Talon’s Junction, despite the Concordia Loop Accident that happened before her Time Trial run. She went on to win a variety of medals and a good amount of season points for her team throughout the season. While not racing, she took part in many ship tests for Auricom to test out some of their newest technology. Ayaka also collaborated with her to ensure that the new fleet of Auricom ships were able to be handled properly and are safe to fly. As a result, Setsuko did not take part in tournament events and the Virtual series to do various tests on the Auricom’s new fleet of ships. However, like Jessica of AG-Systems, she was able to experience Auricom’s new ships before anyone else did. Things were looking good for Setsuko and her team that is until a dark name reappeared.

    When the Rapier series came about, Tigron made their entry back into the junior leagues, along with their sponsor, the BSV, who held a ceremony to celebrate the occasion and showed off their lead, and only, pilot of the junior team, Polina Petrov, who she clearly remembers back at the Good Smile Racing Academy, albeit not a very good one. Thankfully, she shared her relief with everyone else as Polina didn’t fare so well outside Single Race and Eliminator events, although it would be clear that she would be a threat in those events and the threat became clear during the race at Metropia Reverse when Polina eliminated half of the grid, resulting in many injured pilots and destroyed ships. In response to the escalating situation, Setsuko was able to redirect all emergency personnel to the functional Netika Ambulance Shuttles and redirected all air traffic to get the ambulances to many of the injured people around the city to hospitals. It was thanks to her and her band of friends that many people and pilots were saved on that day. Joes Peeters has said that many people on that day were saved thanks to their efforts. But Polina would still prove to be a troublesome person to deal with. With Polina and Tigron on the track, some of the Auricom team shifted their focus on combating the new threat. However, Setsuko and her friends kept doing what they did best and she was able to keep her focus during her races and was able to keep Polina away from the podium whenever she could.

    During the junior leagues, Setsuko made many friends aside from the friends she made back at the academy. The Makanian Amazons of Goteki team, the MAGEC junior team of Mirage, the Amazon Fury of Piranha, Mercutian De Gautet of Van-Uber, and Buster Harding of Triakis’ professional team were the friends she made on the paddock, sharing piloting advice and helping other with maintaining their ships. She was also one of the very few people to help celebrate the Mirages Junior team and Mercutian De Gautet’s first podium finish during the junior series. The junior members of their respective teams also teamed up with her to combat Polina and Tigron on the track. It was thanks to their combined efforts that they were able to keep Polina away from the top step for the most part and discovered a weakness in the Tigron Bull ship. Setsuko soon managed to gather as much data as possible and relay them to the other junior team members when they met at an undisclosed location at Las Vegas, Nevada. Along with Jessica, the two sent data to each of the other members of their respective teams and coordinate the offensive on Tigron and Polina, and with Michael Sanderson landing the final blow on Tigron’s ship, the team and their sponsor, the BSV, were dismantled after their ban from the AG-racing sport. It was just like old times back at the academy.

    Like Jessica, Setsuko did not take part in the Season Finale Tournament of the first JX350 season, but she did run many tests on the ACM-8K to help the Auricom team take one last gold medal of the season and lift the first ever JX350 cup. Auricom have been turning to Setsuko ever since she and Ayaka have been giving the team’s line of ships the attention it needed from combating the ‘banes’ of antigravity racing to a legitimate racing team. It was thanks to them that Auricom have been undergoing a lot of changes to better themselves and when it came to testing new ships. No longer just a mere test pilot, Setsuko has stepped up from being a test pilot to a junior pilot with a future in racing and looks to take it to the next level in future seasons and eventually the professional leagues.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 23rd July 2016 at 04:32 PM.

  2. #2
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    Chapter 11 - Intermission

    As the three men examined the first ten bios before them, Tarvus took interest in the ten bios that he and his colleagues were reading as he carefully examined them with curiosity.

    (Tarvus) “Interesting.”
    (Krystian) “What is it?”
    (Tarvus) “These ten pilots have made a huge impact on the racing community at such a young age, though the Miracle Eight are the stars of the junior racing community right now. Will they be continuing to race in the junior leagues?”
    (Krystian) “Of course. They’ll be ready for the professional leagues after the next season if they choose to go into the pro leagues.”
    (Tarvus) “Very well. What about the others?”
    (Krystian) “It’s a mixed bag. Some are staying for the next season, whiles some of the others will be continuing to work for their respective teams but won’t be racing for them for the rest of their careers. The others are leaving the racing leagues.”
    (Tarvus) “The Quantax bunch I’m presuming?
    (Editor) “Correct sir. Due to the lead pilot’s severe injuries, he is unable to fly for the remainder of his life, the other two left to assist him. This leaves a bunch of spots open for the other teams to fill gaps for fresh pilots.”
    (Tarvus) “Will these fresh pilots be coming from the Good Smile Racing Academy that the ten students came from?”
    (Editor) “Most of them, yes. Though Mirage, EG-X, Triakis, Van-Uber, and Goteki 45 will be keeping their current pilot line-up.”
    (Tarvus) “I see. Very well, let us have a look at the Goteki pilots then we’ll move on to Triakis.”
    (Editor) “What about Van-Uber?”
    (Tarvus) “No need. They’ve been in the junior leagues for quite some time now. I’m already familiar with them and their lead pilot Mercutian De Gautet. Let us move on to Goteki 45.”
    (Editor) “Yes sir.”

    The editor began to move his hands in swiping motions to bring up the next set of profiles before him and the race commissioners as they examined them.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 23rd July 2016 at 04:33 PM.

  3. #3
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    Chapter 12


    Name: Scarlett Arekuruu

    Gender: Female

    Birth: July 10, 2199

    Birthplace: Kauai (Hawaii)

    Age (Currently 2215): 15

    Nationality: American/Japanese/Hawaiian/Makanian

    Origin: United States (Hawaii)

    Race: Asian/White

    Language Spoken: English, Japanese, and Polynesian

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 5’6”

    Hair Color: Pink

    Eye Color: Light Blue


    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): None

    JX350IDF: AREK0710.2199

    Team: Goteki 45

    Position: Lead Pilot

    Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Yin Ruan (Chinese), Hyun Gim (Korean), Tauban Ferrai (Makanian), Andrea Santiago (Chilean), Noelani Kekumu (Makanian)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: AG-Systems, Auricom, and Mirage

    Rivals: Icaras and Polina Petrov (Bulgarian/Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 3, Silver: 1, Bronze: 14

    Sponsors: Goteki 45

    Favorite Events: Single Race, Eliminator, Tournament

    Favorite Track: Vineta K, Modesto Heights, and Ubermall

    Leagues Completed: JX350

    Character Traits: Athletic, Beautiful, Bold, Clever, Graceful, Instinctive, Shameless, and Skillful


    Awareness: 10/10

    Aggression: 9/10

    Consistency: 6/10

    Reaction/Reflexes: 9/10


    On June 6th 2204, a storm hit a cruise line as well as a number of other public and private boats that was on its way to Makana and various other countries. The news exploded across the globe as many rescue teams from America, Hawaii, Makana, Australia, China, and Japan utilized AG-craft made attempts to get to the scene, but severe storms and high risks of lightning hitting an AG-craft caused more problems and prevented them from going any further. When the storm cleared a month later, the rescue teams began to look for any survivors. Unfortunately, no survivors were found near or in the sunken ship or its immediate area or any of the other smaller boats that were caught in the storm and within three weeks the search was called off, fearing and assuming the worst fates for the people who got caught in the storm. However, seven year later, three survivors of the storm was found on an uninhabited island miles away from the sunken ship’s resting place. One of the girls, who had pink hair, light blue eye, with a body of a model, was Scarlett Arekuruu, the future prodigy and lead pilot for Goteki 35, Goteki 45’s junior racing team.

    Scarlett Arekuruu was the only daughter of the Japanese American family, consisting of a Japanese husband and an American wife, who lived in Kauai of the Hawaiian Islands located in the Pacific. Her family were fisherman who regularly went out to sea to catch some of the finest fish to sell on the markets back in Hawaii. Senshi was destined to be a fisher like her family, but fate had other bright ideas. On May 6th 2204, the family booked a trip to Makana so that they can sell their fish to the citizens there and a month later, the family sold their home to move to Makana. Makana was becoming the hub of the fishing market since the island’s regeneration for the FX300 and more fishermen were selling their fish there thanks to the increasing demand. Her family was moving to Makana to stay with the fishing market and get a big profit off of it. However, halfway to their destination, a storm suddenly appeared and the ship that she and her family were on ended up flipping over. It is unclear to this day if there were any survivors, but most presumed the worst for everyone onboard. Seven years, three weeks, and three days later on June 30th 2211, a private cruise ship spotted an SOS beacon and made its way to the uninhabited island. Soon the owner of the cruise ship found the girl and her friends on the beach and immediately responded. The man that got them off the island was none other than Keao Manumaleuna, the team principle of Goteki 45, who went on a private cruise during the day he saw the SOS signal.

    Scarlett, along with her friends, were soon helped on board with the help of the crew and set off to Makana. Keao, who gave the girls some clothes to wear after being without them for seven years, wanted to know how she lasted for so long on the uninhabited island and she responded with this:

    (Scarlett) “We were able to navigate our way around the island after a couple of weeks of exploring it, while learning some history there. We also took advantage of the ripe fruits and killed some predators that tried to kill us on the island and in the ocean.”
    (Keao) “How did you three get together?”
    (Scarlett) “We crossed paths on the island. We are pretty much family and made the island our home as well.”
    (Keao) “You three are very bold girls, especially lasting for so long without anything to keep your bodies covered.”
    (Scarlett) “We learned to live without our stuff. After all, it feels nice when the breeze touches your body.”

    He then asked if she had a home or family, but Scarlett said that her family sold their only home and that her family was lost in the storm seven years ago, much like her friends. Keao Manumaleuna then helped her and her friends compensate for their loss and helped them find a temporary home on Makana when they got there so that they can get the materials necessary to make the island they were on their permanent home. News channels exploded around the world when word got to their ears when someone survived the storm seven years ago and many reporters, journalists, and interviewers became interested in them. But Keao wanted them to get used to the world that has changed over the last seven years before she and her friends can go out on her own and do their own thing. One day, during the FX350, he introduced the girls to AG-racing that was going on in Vertica, a racing track located in the Cayman Islands. It was then that Scarlett and the others took interest in AG-racing and Mr. Manumaleuna continued to show the girls some of the races going around the globe. He finally asked if the girls were interested in AG-racing and if they wanted a career in racing and with an acknowledgement from the girls, he was glad to help them get started on their AG-racing career.

    During the FX400 when AG-racing went international and the Goteki team was traveling across the globe, the girls underwent training from some of the instructors of Goteki 45. Most notable of them to Scarlett was Noelai Kekumu, Goteki 45’s third and backup pilot for the FX racing league. While she was their backup pilot, she taught Scarlett and the others how to fly the Goteki ships and Scarlett soon found herself on some of the racing tracks around Makana to test what she has learned from Noelai. She admitted that she was nervous at first, since it was her first time flying as she was getting used to the quick and sensitive acceleration of the Goteki ships, but then after a few laps and test runs, she began to build confidence and bravery with every lap and eventually began to pull off some of the fastest times in the slightly heavier than normal ships, even pulling off barrel rolls under dangerous circumstances during races against other trainees. She even wanted to try the higher speed classes so that she can get a feel for them, even without prior experience. Her bravery and boldness were noted and she was getting better every lap on the track in every speed class. Within four years of training, Scarlett went from a girl that was afraid of heights and water to one of Goteki’s prodigies and their wildcard, one of their best pilots they’ve seen in years. Despite learning everything and mastering what she has learned from her instructor, she unfortunately would have to go through the JX junior racing league first in order for her to graduate to the professional series. Completing multiple seasons well in the junior leagues would allow her to graduate to the professional FX series, though Tauban Ferrai, lead pilot of the Goteki 45 professional racing team who also trained the girls alongside with Noelai and Andrea during offseason, has said she can quickly become one of the best pilots in Goteki’s history.

    With her position secured in the JX350, Scarlett continued to practice and perfect her skills for the upcoming league during practice and offseason. During her vacation time, she and her friends would visit the island that was once her home for seven years using a AG-craft that she bought and they would always bring tools and equipment to the island, renovating the ancient temple that remained on the island for many year, the place has become their home ever since. She would pick ripe fruit from the trees that she took care of during her time on the island and bring them back for her friends and some of the Goteki personnel back in Makana as well as a couple of ferrets to give to children. She and her friends have been bombarded with interviewers, journalist, and reporters one after another as she has responded to each and every one of them with many questions she has answered, making her one of the more popular girls since Farah Al-Qasimi became the most successful female Arabic pilot, along with some of the other girls that have entered the JX350 league.

    When the junior league began, Scarlett got off to a good start with her team, scoring her first medal of the season, a bronze. However, despite her training and some bold moves she pulls off from time to time, Scarlett would sometimes get overconfident during critical moments in race events. As a result, she remained in the mid-pack often throughout the season, but it didn’t mean she’d be there all season. Every once in a while, she would make a risky move and capitalize on her rival’s mistakes, resulting in three gold medals and one silver, along with many other bronze medals. While she didn’t win them all, she was making the most out of every opportunity, pulling off bold and clever barrel rolls in unexpected places – which sometimes anger Sibrand Van Saur of Icaras – as well as a number of perfect laps where it counted. Her weapon skills were also noted. Thanks to the training from Tauban Ferrai and Andrea Santiago on the weapon systems, she was able to hold her own in Eliminator events.

    Unlike Icaras and some of the Auricom officials and fans, who have already dismissed Goteki as a bane of the racing leagues’ existence, others Auricom officials, especially Jessie Fairbacnk, many racing fans, and the other teams welcomed the newer members of Goteki with open arms thanks to Noelai Kekumu, who has made attempts to make ‘seize fire’ agreements between Goteki, Icaras, and Auricom. Scarlett and her friends have become friends with the Friends in Speed junior racing team of AG-Systems and Auricom Academy, as well as MAGEC of Mirage, all of which have become invaluable friends to Scarlett and her friends. Despite some of Noelai’s successful attempts to pacify the rivalries between the other teams, the British team still had their bitter feelings against Goteki and have targeted the Goteki 35 junior racing team during the JX350 racing league. However, thanks to Scarlett’s training, as well as her friend’s, the Horus Rising junior team was unable to destroy the Goteki ships and the Goteki team would always come out on top in every race against them.

    Scarlett often invited her friends to join her in some unique training on her home island, where she was once stranded on eight years ago. She would use the AG-craft that she bought to help her friends to the island. What kind of training she set up for her friends and what training they went though is unknown, but by the looks of her friends and herself, the training paid off, beautifully. They have gotten more beautiful, stronger physically and mentally, and their endurance skyrocketed as well. This caught the eyes of many fans and many of them soon took pictures of the model-like members of the Miracle Eight and the Makanian Amazons, making them the most attractive pilots on the circuit. The eleven pilots have soon been seen in many fashion and model magazines, making the pilots the most popular out of all of the junior pilots on the racing grid.

    Scarlett was soon given the biggest test of her life when Tigron finally showed up during the Rapier Series, with a pilot of their own. When Bulgarian Polina Petrov arrived, Scarlett noted that aside from her rash behavior, something was off. Xiu Bai of EG-X, along with Zhen Guan and Xue Lee, have noted and have said that Polina was augmented. The real question is how was she augmented, but Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems has said that her eyes were off, saying that they were red instead of pale blue after seeing the girl many times in person. When the infamous race at Metropia Reverse came about, Goteki 45 was one of the few surviving teams on the track, along with AG-Systems, Auricom, and Mirage, when Polina destroyed the other teams’ ships. Scarlett rescued Xiu Bai after her ship was destroyed and Alqamar was able to pick up Mercutian when his ship was destroyed. Scarlett then flew her ship to where both Triakis’ and Qirex’s ships were when they were destroyed and Scarlett then made her way to Johnathan to rescue Petia Romanov of Qirex, who was stuck in his burning ship as it was burning him. Johnathan was able to pull out Petia after Scarlett doused the flames of the ship using an extinguisher she acquired from her own. She then returned with Xiu to drop her off with her team. Scarlett, along with her friends, were famed for saving the lives of the pilots who were injured and getting them to the hospital in Kyoto in time when the ambulance shuttles were disabled by an EMP shockwave, save the empty podium with only Polina standing at the top step.

    As a result of this, Scarlett began to train herself up, along with her friends, to combat Polina and Tigron. The training paid off and they were able to hold her off to prevent her from getting the top step for the remainder of the Rapier series. The series also revealed a crack in Tigron’s armored ship, which the Goteki team took note. Scarlett then was able to get as much information as possible on the Tigron ship to destroy the heavy armadillo thanks to the Miracle Eight, who also discovered the crack in the armored craft. She was one of the very first people on their invite list when the junior racing league came to Las Vegas near the Amphiesum race track for the Phantom Series. She, along with the Miracle Eight, the Xios junior racing team, and the other junior teams, planned out the strategy to destroy the Tigron ship. Their plan wasn’t put into action until the Phantom series tournament to keep the Tigron engineers in the blue about the Achilles' heel of the ship. It wasn’t until the last race of the tournament when the weakness was revealed for everyone to see and soon every team began to target the ship and its weak point. Along with Johnathan, Scarlett was able to tear a big hole in the ship when they both dropped a bomb and minefield at the first corner of Tech De Ra Reverse on the third to last lap, with Michael dealing the final blow to the ship. With a smile, Scarlett was happy to see the Tigron team go after she got word that the team had no choice to drop out of the league which was soon followed with their downfall, along with the BSV, who sponsored the team in various vile ways. She then finished the Phantom Series tournament with a bronze for the team and went on to compete in the Final Tournament of the season, winning a silver medal and leaving a good mark in the season.

    While Goteki 45 didn’t take the junior league this season, they are happy with the results that Scarlett and her junior team have created and would like to have her in the junior leagues once again. The Makanian Amazons and the Miracle Eight have been given a couple of words that described them the best. Beauty and Gracefulness. The eleven pilots have become popular globally and have been seen on the race circuit frequently. They have been bombarded with many requests for interviews from many popular sources all over the world and they’ve have accepted them all. The pilots, and even Scarlett, tend to keep their popularity at its peak during their time on the track.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 11th August 2016 at 07:53 PM.

  4. #4
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    Interesting read, keep it up


  5. #5
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    Chapter 13


    Name: Yin Ruan

    Gender: Female

    Birth: July 21, 2200

    Birthplace: Hong Kong (China)

    Age (Currently 2215): 15

    Nationality: Chinese

    Origin: China

    Race: Asian

    Language Spoken: Chinese and English

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 4’9"

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Pink

    Appearance: 316393 senki_zesshou_symphogear tagme tsukuyomi_shirabe.jpg

    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): None

    JX350 IDF: RUAN0721.2200

    Team: Goteki 45

    Position: Secondary Pilot

    Pilot Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Scarlett Arekuruu (Japanese-American), Hyun Gim (Korean), Tauban Ferrai (Makanian), Andrea Santiago (Chilean), Noelani Kekumu (Makanian)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: AG-Systems, Auricom, Mirage

    Rivals: Icaras and Polina Petrov (Bulgarian/Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 2, Silver: 2, Bronze: 11

    Sponsors: Goteki 45

    Favorite Event: Time Trial and Detonator

    Favorite Track: Vineta K, Modesto Heights, and Ubermall

    Leagues Completed: JX350

    Character Traits: Calm, Keen, Vigilant


    Awareness: 10/10

    Aggression: 5/10

    Consistency: 8/10

    Reaction/Reflexes: 8/10


    Many pilots that have come from China have flown for their home team, merged with Xios of Finland EG-X Technologies. It has been a common sight to see a Chinese team to fly only for their home country along with some other pilots from around the world. No Chinese pilot has yet to fly for another team, until the JX350 league came about when a young Chinese pilot flew for the yellow, pink, and white Makana team. Yin Ruan is the only Chinese pilot so far in racing history to fly for another team besides EG-X Technologies and has done so with success under her belt.

    Yin Ruan was originally from Hong Kong, but she never intended to be an AG-pilot to begin with. She was born in a middle class family who intended to move to Makana. Her parents, while they used AG-technology, were not interested in the Anti-Gravity racing scene and didn’t plan for their daughter to go race. She would be an ordinary girl who would grow up to be a normal person, but fate had better ideas. During her move to Makana, the cruise ship that was carrying Yin and her family was caught in a storm along with many other boats in the area. Rescue teams from nearby countries such as United States, China, Japan, and even Korea went to the rescue. However, the severe storms kept the rescue teams in check and they were unable to attempt a navigation through the storms. When the storm cleared, there were no signs of life within the area and many were presumed dead.

    Years later however, three survivors were found on a nearby island island along with a SOS beacon and one man just happened to respond to it during his private cruise. The man who rescued the three survivors – Yin, along with her new friends and family, Scarlett and Hyun – was Keao Manumaleuna, the team head of the resurrected Goteki 45. The three were brought on board and taken to Makana, where they would get back to living normal lives in civilization. Soon though, they would find a suitable career. During the FX400, when AG-racing went international, Keao Manumeleuna showed Yin and the girls some of the racing that was going on around the world. Yin was hesitant at first but soon showed interest in the sport. As the FX400 was drawing to a close, she became interested in racing and she was more than happy to race for Manumeleuna after he rescued her. He then got the girls in flight training for Makana’s AG-racing team, Goteki 45. The girls were soon put under the wings of Goteki’s third pilot for the professional racing team of Goteki, Noelai Kekumu, for extensive training for the upcoming junior racing league, the JX350.

    While Goteki are known for their aggressive racing, Noelai took a different approach for Scarlett, Yin, and Hyun. She put racing cleanly first and using aggressive methods for winning last and only if necessary as she wanted the team to be a much friendlier team in the public’s eye. Each of the girls took her lessons well and they became some of the best students during their training. Of course, they were given lessons on weapon usage from lead pilot Tauban Ferrai and second pilot Andrea Santiago in case they were put in events that weapons were involved. At the end of their training, Yin, along with Hyun, were placed as secondary pilots where Yin would take on Time Trial and Detonator events while Hyun would take part in Zone and Zone Battle Events. Scarlett on the other hand was given the lead pilot seat for Single Race and Eliminator events.

    When Yin started racing for the first time officially, she didn’t win a medal until Talon’s Junction Forward, where she won two bronze medals in Time Trial and Detonator. Some people were suspecting that she was having a rough start. It wasn’t until Modesto Heights, located in Makana, where she finally made one of her biggest accomplishments, scoring her first gold medal in Time Trial on the home island. It was a start to her momentum that she finally built up. While she didn’t score many podium finishes, she was giving her competition something to think about, especially Richie Abram of Icaras, who challenged her by attempting to beat her Time Trial records and Detonator scores in which Yin came out on top in every event. Surprisingly enough, nobody at EG-X weren’t bothered that someone from their home country was racing for another team. While EG-X were one of Goteki’s rivals, the junior teams from both sides didn’t seem to be bothered by this at all. They went their own ways of doing things on the track. However, Yin kept her eye on the Chinese/Finland team just in case.

    While Yin has made a rival on the track, she has made many friends. The junior members of AG-Systems and Auricom – eight of which would soon become known as the Miracle Eight, consisting of Michael Sanderson, Mizuki Nakajima, Alexis Anderson, and Sora Akiyama of AG-Systems, and Johnathan Hale, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Eric Patterson, and Ayaka Hamasaki of Auricom – were quick to befriend Yin and her friends, sometimes meeting up for private but friendly races, as well as trading advice on how to tackle some of the tracks around the world. She and her friends also befriended the junior members of Mirage and shared their knowledge with each other. During her off time, she trained alongside her friends on the private island that she, Scarlett, and Hyun met for the first time as well as enjoying public fame across the globe as one of the more attractive junior pilots on the grid and has been seen along with her friends on many fashion magazines and photo shoots. Yin also kept an eye on the competition and made sure that they wouldn’t do anything suspicious, but her instincts also told her that someone would come and attempt to ruin everything she, her friends, and everyone stood for. And unfortunately, her worst fears came true.

    During the start of the Rapier Series, a black name in Anti-Gravity racing history returned to the grid, Tigron Enterprises. As well as their return to the grid a pilot with bad history has also joined their cause, Polina Petrov. Yin suspected that she was up to no good and Polina’s first race and her eventual first gold medal in her first Eliminator event showed that. This would escalate into the Race of Infamy when Polina eliminated half of the grid at the Metropia race track located in Japan. Lucky enough, Yin was able to get on the comms after the EMP went off and was able to help guide her friends through the remainder of the race. However, it became clear that Polina was up to no good and would do whatever it took to win a race for her team, even if it meant hurting others in the process. Yin would have to keep a firm eye on her in every race. This was especially daunting when she was taking part in events herself. Thankfully, Polina’s racing skills without weapons were not so great and Yin was at least beating her in every event. However, it became clear that Polina was keeping an eye on her as well. It was a matter of who can outsmart who. Yin would keep a clear eye on Polina’s actions from that point forward and would soon discover a weakness that would contribute to Polina’s downfall.

    During the final race at Ubermall during the Rapier tournament, Yin discovered a weak point in the infamously armored Tigron Bull craft. However, she also discovered that Tigron were indeed cheating by using banned technology in races. While she did make an attempt to notify the race commission, Ayaka Hamasaki of Auricom also made an attempt to do so. Unfortunately for both of them, they were unable to convince them otherwise. The two then worked with each other and along with their friends to bring down the craft. Yin was able to get as much information as she could on the Bull ship and with that information, she and her friends were able to set up a plan to bring down the so-called ‘indestructible’ craft. With Yin providing up-to-date info on the Bull ship’s status during the final tournament race at Tech De Ra, Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems was able to bring down the Bull ship, with the help of the other junior members of their respective teams. Yin was then able to get all of the data on the Bull ship using the banned technology and, with the help of the other junior members of their teams, she was able to successfully submit them to the race commission. Tigron and their sponsor the BSV were permanently banned from the sport and later dismantled. While Yin was glad that they were gone, Polina on the other hand could still be out in the world somewhere, and Yin would have to keep an eye out for her just in case she would get involved again. Yin then participated in the first season finale of the JX350 racing league tournament and was able to take home a silver.

    Yin has shown that while she hasn’t made any big achievements consistently, she was able to make them count where it should. As the only Chinese pilot racing for Goteki, she would continue to race as long as she could, for her friends and for herself. At the same time, she would keep an eye out for any suspicious activities on the track, in the crowd, or even on the race commission or commentators. After all, anything could happen from this point forward and only Yin would know what to do if disaster struck again. She would be there to put an end to it and keep on-going peace on the track.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 23rd October 2016 at 04:07 AM.

  6. #6
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    Chapter 14


    Name: Hyun Gim

    Gender: Female

    Birth: April 13, 2200

    Birthplace: Seoul (South Korea)

    Age (Currently 2215): 15

    Nationality: Korean

    Origin: South Korea

    Race: Asian

    Language Spoken: Korean and English

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 5’0”

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Green

    Appearance: 316394 akatsuki_kirika senki_zesshou_symphogear tagme.jpg

    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): None

    JX350 IDF: GIM0413.2200

    Team: Goteki 45

    Position: Secondary Pilot

    Pilot Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Scarlett Arekuruu (Japanese-American), Yin Runa (Chinese), Tauban Ferrai (Makanian), Andrea Santiago (Chilean), Noelani Kekumu (Makanian)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: AG-Systems, Auricom, Mirage, Park So-Gun (Korean/FEISAR)

    Rivals: Icaras and Polina Petrov (Bulgarian/Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 1, Silver: 1, Bronze: 8

    Sponsors: Goteki 45

    Favorite Events: Zone and Zone Battle

    Favorite Tracks: Vineta K, Modesto Heights, and Ubermall

    Leagues Completed: JX350

    Character Traits: Bright, Cheerful, Cooperative


    Awareness: 6/10

    Aggression: 5/10

    Consistency: 6/10

    Reaction/Reflexes: 9/10


    In the world of AG-racing, a Korean is a rare sight. Ever since the boom of AG-technology, Korea have been having a hard time keeping up with the technology boom. While Korea still exists, they have yet to put a racing team together to compete against the other established teams. As a result, some Koreans have been venturing out of their home country to get a taste of AG-racing. One such Korean is Park So-Gun, who is currently flying for the European team of FEISAR. While not the most successful, he has graduated from the junior leagues and now flies professionally for the blue, yellow, and white team. However, if there was another Korean to fly that has as much talent as him or can even surpass him, it would be Hyun Gim, the Korean junior pilot who looks to take to the next level in the pro series after a rough, but good showing in the first JX350 season.

    Hyun Gim was born in Seoul of South Korea, a city which is barely keeping up with the growing Anti-Gravity that is spreading worldwide and is the biggest and most technological city of Korea. With most of the world enjoying the massive boom of technology however, the city is easily overshadowed. As a result, many citizens would prefer to leave the country in search for better living elsewhere in the world. Hyun Gim’s family were just the family to leave their home country and move to either the United States or to Japan. The family chose the former and soon found themselves on a moderate sized boat to the US. But fate decided to change Hyun’s life in many ways.

    During their trip to the US, their boat was caught in a massive storm that also managed to catch of the other cruise lines and boats within its immediate vicinity. As a result, most of the people on them were wiped out along with their respective boats. As some of the nations of the world attempted a rescue mission, the storm disallowed them to go into the storm, making any rescue attempt impossible. When the storm cleared a month later, there were no signs of any survivors near the wreckage of ships that were swept in the storm. The world feared for the worst case scenario for the people caught in the storm. However, seven years later, there were three survivors found on an uninhabited island miles away from the storm site. The survivors – Hyun Gim, Yin Ruan, and Scarlett Arekuruu – were rescued by the man who resurrected the Makanian team of Goteki 45 and is the team principle to this day. That man was Keao Manumaleuna, who went out on a private cruise and found the girls’ SOS beacon.

    With her family lost in the storm, Hyun was left with barely anything to live with. Thankfully, Keao was able to compensate her and the girls and find them a new home and get them the necessary items and provisions needed to live on their own. At the same time, he wanted to show the girls some of the racing that was happening around the globe during the FX400. It was then that the girls and Hyun grew interested in the racing sport and with Manumaleuna’s help, they soon found themselves in training pilot suits to get ready for the upcoming junior racing league, the JX350. The trio of girls were paired up with pilot instructor and third pilot of Goteki 45, who replaced former third pilot Park So-Gun, Noelai Kekumu. She taught the girls what they needed to know about racing and personally trained the three girls up for competition. Aggression was the last thing she wanted to teach to the girls but Tauban Ferrai, lead pilot of Goteki, along with the approval of Andrea Santiago, Goteki’s second pilot, set the girls in weapons training as well. Racing without weapons usage came first and they would only be used if other teams began to target them. However, Hyun Gim would be a secondary pilot pilot for Zone and Zone Battle events so weapons would be a non-factor to her, but she would still have to keep an eye on the competition.

    As expected from the race analysts, Hyun got off to a shaky start during the JX350 season. She would get close to a podium finish, but it would just be out of her reach. Despite her hard work, she was unable to score a single medal in the Venom Series – though she did gain a bronze medal for her team getting third place during the Venom Tournament. Yin had the same shaky start as Hyun, but she would win her first bronze medal at Moa Therma during the Flash Series. Hyun wasn’t able to score a medal during the Venom Series nor the first half of the Flash Series and it would be a rough season for her, but things would change when the series moved to Modesto Heights, located in Makana.

    The JX350 season hosted some of the races alongside the professional FX500 league. As a result the professional pilots of their respective teams spectated the junior pilots of the JX350 league as the younger pilots went racing. It was during this time that Hyun Gim would soon meet another fellow Korean, Park So-Gun of the blue, yellow, and white European team, FEISAR. The professional Korean pilot noted that Hyun Gim had a lot of sloppy piloting techniques. He witnessed her ability to turn too soon resulting in her hitting the walls of the apexes and late use of airbrakes resulting her hitting the outside walls of corners, both have which cost her valuable points from perfect zones and laps in Zone events. Hyun’s over eagerness to use her Zone Boosts in Zone Battle events resulted in her colliding into walls head-on also cost her many Zones during those events; both event types where she could’ve scored a medal if it weren’t for her sloppy piloting. While Park So-Gun was also plagued with difficulty in handling technical tracks, most notably Chenghou Project, he ended up tutoring the young Korean girl when the two met outside the hanger bays. When Park So-Gun pointed out Hyun’s terrible flaws to her, he almost provoked the wrath of the young girl, but it was clear for her to see that she needed serious tutoring. Park then soon took Hyun under his wing and began to tutor her on her piloting techniques and her mindset during Zone-based events. This would soon pay off when Hyun scored her first medal of the season, a bronze during the Zone Battle at Modesto Height. She wasn’t able to score anymore medals during the Flash Series after that time nor score any medals during the Virtual Series, but she was getting slightly better during each event; though her competition, including Goteki’s rival the British pink and purple team of Icaras, were also getting better. She would need to be a step ahead of them in order to stay ahead of them. Thankfully, she had a handful of friends to work with.

    The junior pilots of AG-Systems and Auricom were quick to make friends with Hyun and they’ve also trained together in private races to hone their racing techniques. They’ve even trained outside of racing as well. She has even made friends with the most recent team in AG-racing history, the green and white Mirage junior racing team. Along with the Miracle Eight of AG-Systems and Auricom, she and her friends enjoyed massive popularity on and off the track and many racing fans around the world have requested many autographs and photos of the popular junior pilots. Her friends and Hyun herself enjoyed the popularity that they were getting, but someone would soon attempt to bring them down.

    At the start of the Rapier Series, another team came into play, a team better forgotten rather remembered. The now Bulgarian-based Tigron Enterprises. Tigron’s pilot of choice was Polina Petrov, a very unpopular pilot who was expelled from the same academy that the Miracle Eight went to. She soon devastated half during the race of infamy at Metropia during the reverse portion of Metropia in Japan. This left her on the top of the podium while the others were recovering with the help of Hyun and her friends. Hyun was quick to avoid her whenever possible, as Polina was nothing but trouble and she left a lot of it in her wake. However, avoiding her would become impossible in the later stages.

    During Zone Battles, in which Hyun took part in, Polina would attempt to bully the other contenders by either ramming them off to the sides of the track or by placing Zone Barriers in front. While she never won a single medals from any Zone-based events due to her poor piloting skills, this bullying would eventually get Hyun involved. After being hit by one too many Zone Barriers by Polina, Hyun fought back. She dropped barriers in front of Polina, forcing her to run into them. This also added some unintended side effects as some of the other competitors were forced to adjust their racing line and ended up using their Zone meter to recover lost shield energy rather than Zone boosting and keep them safe from the barriers while Polina was running into them. This would earn Hyun three bronze medals during the Zone Battles – two at Ubermall and one at the Amphesium – and she would go on to earn her very first gold medal at Tech De Ra, astonishing many race analysts and commentators. Her teammates and friends congratulated on her first gold medal of the season. While it was late, Hyun was able to score a gold medal regardless.

    During the Phantom Tournament Hyun Gim, with the help of other junior members who were sidelined, were making callouts to the junior pilots on the track to take Polina out of the picture after discovering a weakness in the armored Tigron Bull craft. With their help, Polina’s ship was finally destroyed and everyone was more than happy to see her, Tigorn, and their sponsor, the BSV, banned from the sport and dismantled. Hyun was very happy to see them go, she never liked any of them anyways, even Polina. After the Phantom series was over, she decided to do something unusual for her team.

    When the Season Finale Tournament came about for season one of the JX305 racing league, Hyun wanted to participate in the tournament. Some of the engineers were surprised by this, but her teammates Scarlett and Yin, along with Keao Manumaleuna, saw the burning passion and desire to race and she was soon in the pack. For her first two races outside Zone and Zone Battle, she did better than anyone anticipated, scoring a good amount of points for her team. This would accommodate in Goteki getting third place throughout the whole tournament and helping the team get a bronze medal for each of the girls. Hyun was happy that she was able to perform well and help her team score one last medal for the season.

    Despite her shaky start, Hyun became popular amongst the grid. While not the most popular pilot of the junior league, she has contributed where it counted. She has drastically improved as a pilot and it showed very well, impressing even her mentor, Park So-Gun. With the second season of the JX350 already announced, the young Korean girl plans to improve herself further and continue to impress her friends, her mentor, and the racing fans around the world. Hyun is more than ready to take on the next season of the JX350 racing league.
    Last edited by Light Buster; 23rd October 2016 at 04:08 AM.

  7. #7
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    Name: Maksim Zolnerowich

    Gender: Male

    Birth: December 2, 2198

    Birthplace: Moscow (Russia)

    Age (Currently 2215): 17

    Nationality: Russian

    Origin: Russia (Europe)

    Race: White

    Language Spoken: Russian and English

    Religion: N/A

    Height: 5’6”

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Brown


    Occupation (Before AG-Pilot): Recruit

    JX350 IDF: ZOLN1202.2198

    Team: Triakis

    Position: Lead Pilot

    Pilot Rank: Junior

    Region Reputation: Global

    Squad Teammates: Daphne Summers (Swiss), Ida Peusen (Dutch), Vincent Stephenson (Englishman), Buster Harding (American), and Lauren Taylor (Australian)

    Team Loyalty: High

    Allies: Assegai and FEISAR

    Rivals: Michael Sanderson (American/AG-Systems) and Polina Petrov (Bulgarian/Tigron)

    Medals: Gold: 2, Silver: 1, Bronze: 0

    Sponsors: Triakis

    Favorite Event: Eliminator and Tournament

    Favorite Track: Moa Therma and Modesto Heights

    Leagues Competed: JX350

    Character Traits: Pre-Venom Tournament – Brash, Erratic, Reckless, and Unstable; Post-Venom Tournament – Blunt, Hard worker, Relaxed, Smart, Stoic


    Awareness: 7/10

    Aggression: 9/10 (10/10 Pre-Venom Tournament)

    Consistency: 7/10

    Reaction/ Reflexes: 6/10


    There have been many aggressive pilots in the AntiGravity-racing leagues since its inception in 2048. From the infamous Omarr Khumala of Tigron to the Triakis pilot of Xavier Chaffin, who has shown unchecked aggression against AG-Systems and Auricom in particular, though someone would step up to be just as aggressive as he is. Maskim Zolnerowich was the pilot who would become as aggressive as Xavier, until the JX350 racing league changed him into a different person today.

    Born in a low class family, Maksim is the only son and family member left of the Zolnerowich family today. As a result of the global collapse when the F9000 notoriously fell in 2170, people began to hunt down the syndicates of Tigron Enterprises, which left parts of Russia with scars across the country. His family was lost when an explosion occurred in the Russian industrial district triggered by the criminal syndicates responsible for Tigron and their involvement with the F9000 league. The explosion in the district caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of military personnel and civilians in the area, forcing people to leave their homes and head towards nearby cities to recover. Those who survived the explosion scattered and eventually found a place to recoup and restart their lives along with the global market which recovered within ten years. Maksim on the other hand did not have as much luck as everyone else. His family was lost and he is the only surviving member of his family. Three years later, he was found near St. Petersburg with a weapon in hand after he was witnessed killing someone claiming to be ‘a member of Tigron who killed his family’ according to psychologists reports. He was taken to a juvenile facility where he lived as a juvenile for some period of time.

    Twelve years later, he was reported to be released from juvenile and was released under the care of someone in a green camouflage uniform. That someone was from Triakis Industries, who read up on Maksim’s history and was willing to take him in. Many people were afraid to approach Maksim due to his erratic behavior and many psychologists were unable to figure out his behavior patterns during his time as a juvenile. But a member of Triakis approached him just fine and no harm was done to him. They traveled to Australia and he was put in a special training camp, Boot Camp, off the get go. Maksim didn’t show any good results at first, but within months, he got the results that many military officers wanted to see. Maksim was one of the greatest soldiers that Australia can get their hands on and quickly rose through the ranks and became a sergeant quicker than anyone anticipated. Despite being one of the best, he preferred to be alone due to his erratic behavior and possibly a chance to maul the nearest person within a few feet of him, unless it was the same person who brought him in. Many psychologists continued to monitor his behavior for any sign of erratic changes to his behavior. As most suspected, he would see anyone near him as a threat with his tutor being an exception. Why this was the case is anyone’s guess, but people don’t tend to approach him as a result. He was a loner for a whole year in his life during his time at Boot Camp before his tutor brought two more people in to join him.

    Around the same month and day that Maksim was brought into Boot Camp, his tutor brought in two more recruits to join him. The Swiss daughter of a family operated Weapons Company, Daphne Summers, and the Dutch Ida Peusen. Many psychologists were afraid that these two would be Maksim’s next victim to his behavior, but after a few weeks with the two, he showed no sign of any behavior changes. It seemed that the two girls that joined Maksim was special to him in some way that he didn’t show any hostility towards them. For the next six months, the three began to train and hang out together, and Maksim began to open himself up to the two girls. Someone suggested that one of the two girls or both of them was the spark that changed Maksim. Either way, his behavior was getting better and the three would be part of a trio for the new JX350 league that was coming up.

    When Boot Camp began to look for members for an AG-junior racing squad, many soldiers and recruits were sent to the Triakis facilities to test them in flying Anne II, III, and IV and underwent training with Xavier Chaffin. A lot of soldiers and recruits began to use the heavy and bulky ship with the help of a simulator which utilized an anti-gravity tank that was used during the fall of the F9000 to help condition the soldiers and recruits of Boot Camp. Most of the testers wanted to avoid Maksim and the girls that have been taking care of him over the last six months due to Maksim’s erratic behavior, but when Boot Camp was running out of recruits and soldiers to give the ships a test, they reluctantly chose him and the girls. Soon, the three began to astonish the personnel at Triakis, pulling off maneuvers with such a heavy ship. Barrel rolls, side shifts, turning the ship with such ease while pulling off astonishing lap times and perfect laps for good measure. This question many people on how these three got good to begin with and where they got such an experience. They answered with the fact that they were practicing controlling some of the anti-gravity tanks back at the boot camp during some of their drills when Daphne Summers was upset that nobody knew how to use them. The ships were similar to the tanks, except with the fact it was built for racing. As a result, Triakis gave the three a racing seat in their junior team off the bat. While it is unclear if Maksim would keep his cool throughout the racing season, his behavior will be the key in Eliminator events that are coming to the new junior racing leagues. After numerous psych tests, Maksim was given the lead pilot seat for the JX350 league with the girls serving as a backup if Maksim was unable to race if he lost his cool or if he needed someone else to race for a different event should the need arise.

    Maksim won his first gold medal in an Eliminator event at Vineta K during the JX350’s opening season, but after that, things didn’t turn out so well from him. Nobody knows what was going on with his behaviors, but it soon became clear that something bad in him sparked and it would be the cause of a recent accident that occurred at Talon’s Junction. When the race came to the secretive energy facility, things turned for the worst. Maksim lost his control over his aggression and when he attempted to eliminate his rival, Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems – who was taught by former lead pilot Xavier Chaffin who regarded anyone a part of the Japanese team a threat to the Australian military team – his plasma bolt missed his rival by a couple of feet and, while the Entertainment Confinement System, ECS, passed many safety tests, the plasma bolt breached the cage and struck the Concordia Loop, damaging it in the process. When the race ended, Maksim also showed aggressive behavior to the point where even the race authorities knew that something had to be done. As a result, Maksim was banned for racing for the next eight races for damage done to the Talon’s Junction Concordia Loop. He was also sent to a nearby correctional facility to run multiple psych evaluations. However, the experts there were unable to figure out was the cause of his aggressive behavior and made multiple heavy corrections to him until they can find the root cause. When Week 8 came about, he was cleared to race again under the supervision of the psych experts and evaluators and in the simulated events so that he wouldn’t do anymore damage for the rest of the series. More events soon unfolded that would change Maksim forever.

    When Maksim took part in the events, the evaluators and experts paid close attention to his behavior patterns. They took notice in an abnormal behavior that showed during the last event of the week. Before they could pull him out however, the pattern mysteriously disappeared. When the event was complete, the psyched evaluators and experts pulled Maksim out of the simulator and when they ran test on him, they found that his behavior has completely changed. No longer was he the aggressive person that he was during his early days, but rather someone else. His mind was completely normalized and he did not show any signs of aggressive behavior. He was given multiple psych evaluations and he passed them all. Nobody was able to figure out what caused the change in his behavior, but now he was acting differently now, in a very good way. He was now able to speak and whatever was causing him to behave aggressively was now completely gone. This was even more prominent when he spoke to his rival, Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems, after the event was over when they crossed each other’s path. Psych evaluators and experts, along with Daphne and Ida, kept a close eye on Maksim while speaking to Michael and he showed no sign of aggressive behavior. While the two would still be rivals to this day, at least Maksim was in control and now that his erratic behavior was now gone, the two can now race each other without having Maksim trying to kill the others off.

    While Maksim didn’t earn as many medals as his competition did, he did win medals in his favorite event, Eliminator. Maksim was able to take a gold medal after a close Eliminator event on Moa Therma against Michael and a silver at Modesto Heights just a point away from beating him again, though he was able to beat his friend from Auricom, Johnathan Hale. While Maksim didn’t win any other medals, for the first time in his life he was having fun, though he still took the season seriously. Not to mention that the junior squad members of Triakis’ allies, Assegai and FEISAR, were also offering the young Russian, and his teammates, piloting and racing advice. Their advice was invaluable to him and he was able to make the most out of Anne III and IV. However, their advice would be inept against a bigger threat that would cause him to suffer a severe injury.

    At the start of the Rapier series, Tigron Enterprises joined the season late, the same team that bought their weapons licenses from Triakis. Much like the Australian team, they boasted some of the most powerful shields and armor on their craft. Unlike the Aussie counterpart however, the Tigron craft was so heavy that it could barely turn. However, it had a couple more tricks up its sleeve. As Maksim sat on the sidelines during the first race of the series, Tigron’s pilot, Polina Petrov, was able to hit Daphne’s craft with a series of weapons, causing her to be injured in the process. This would lead to a severe setback for the team as Daphne was their best for races and time trials. Ida would have to take time to race on Time Trials now that Daphne was out for the remainder of the week and the next week. Maksim on the other hand would take the races for her. He hoped that he would avenged the loss in the first Eliminator event of the series, but it was not to be. Despite Anne’s heavy armor and shielding, the craft was outgunned by Tigron’s own Bull craft, resulting in fifth place. However, he was able to win a Zone Battle thanks to Polina’s incompetent flying skills, however Polina would have another ace up her sleeve that would lead to a set of tragic events.

    A quarter of the race through the race on Metropia Reverse when Week 25 begun, an EMP was emitted from the Tigron Bull craft, disabling all weapon systems, eject systems, and short circuiting the shields rendering them critical. This left every ship on the track open to Polina’s aggressive attacks. Some of the other pilots – Michael, Johnathan, Scarlett, and Alqamar – performed a reset on their craft, forcing them to drop to the back of the pack. Maksim on the other hand attempted to finish the race before his ship could be destroyed. Unfortunately for him, Polina was able to catch up to him and before he could get to the first chicane series on the final lap, his ship was hit by a plasma bolt, causing his ship to crash into the outside wall and flip upside down, but not before it went tumbling and dazing him as a result.

    Maksim made an attempt to escape from his ship, but the ship’s weight soon began to crush his body. It was just a matter of time before the ship’s dead weight damaged his spinal cord of his body and he soon was in danger of being crushed to death, a similar fate that Zala Wolff suffered years back in the F9000. However, his rival Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems – and surprising help from Xiu Bai of EG-X – were able to lift the ship back up and Michael was able to force the cockpit door open and rescue Maksim in time. He was taken to the nearest hospital in Kyoto. Unfortunately, due to the severity of his injuries Maksim was out for the remainder of the season and would be forced to be at the hospital to recover from his injuries. His teammates, Daphne and Ida, and his long time recruiter who got him into Boot Camp would watch over him as he recovered as one of the other girls raced in his position. Michael would also come by to visit him during his time at Kyoto until he had to leave for Makana for the next stop in the Rapier series. However, Maksim said one thing to him before he left to Ubermall in Makana:

    (Maksim) “Make sure she pays for what she did to me and our rivalry.”
    (Michael) “I’ll make sure she does.”

    As Michael and Maksim’s teammates left for Ubermall, he stood behind to watch the junior league televised via holographic screens. It was then Maksim found out that Tigron were cheating all along. Aside from the illegal weapon that they used against him and the other competitors in Metropia, the Bull craft also used illegal technology, containing self-regenerating shields. He remembered this and when he got out of the hospital – albeit disabled and on a wheelchair – he was quick to get Triakis’ and his teammate’s attention on this matter. However, they were unable to convince the Race Commission about Tigron cheating their way to the front, much like how Ayaka Hamasaki of Auricom failed. This however didn’t stop Maksim from attempting to exploit Tigron for cheating. His primary concern, however, is finding someone who also knows about this aside from himself and his teammates. Thankfully, he had the right connections.

    As Maksim’s rival was still on the track, Michael and his friends were also quick to notice this as well. As a result, he and his band of close friends, dubbed the Miracle Eight, sent out a number of private invitations to the other junior members of their respective teams. Maksim was quick to accept this and with the help of his teammates, he was brought to an undisclosed location in Las Vegas, Nevada to work out a strategy to bring down Tigron’s only Bull ship. When many of the junior members began to doubt the Miracle Eight’s findings, he was the one who stepped in and show the others proof that Tigron were indeed cheating, which was soon followed up with video footage of the Tigron ship using the banned technology. He and the group of junior pilots soon were able to set up the plan to destroy the ship the hard way. Weapon manipulation would be too obvious to the commentators, but Maksim did had another idea. He would keep any eye on the Tigron ship and send callouts to help the junior members to avoid as much damage as possible from Polina and destroy the ship. With the plan set, they would get it rolling during the Phantom series tournament.

    When the tournament came along, everyone put the plan into action. With Ayaka taking out the AI manipulating the shields of the Tigron ship, Maksim was able to organize everything and get every junior member to use their weapons at the right time. With the Bull ship wide open for the final attack, he set Michael, who held onto the plasma bolt, for the final blow to the ship, destroying the craft with the last hit. Maksim was impressed that Michael was able to use his aggression where it counted the most. Every team on the grid, except Tigron who slipped away shortly after the destruction of their ship, celebrated the occasion, no matter their finishing position. However, Tigron’s sponsor had another trick up their sleeve.

    With the destruction of Tigron’s ship, the BSV were quick to send out many death threats to every junior member on their respective teams, Maksim included. He knew that the BSV has finally gone too far and wanted to seal their fates once and for all, but knew that getting to the racing commission would be a whole different story. Thankfully, he had support. Much like his rival, Michael Sanderson, he also received the same threat from the BSV as well and he was able to get every junior member together to report this matter to the race commission. With everyone together – as well as the help of Race Commission Steward Krystian Atkinson – the race commission was finally able to ban Tigron and their sponsor, the BSV, permanently from the AG-racing sport, which was soon followed up by their dismantle. Maksim was more than happy to see them go, as they were responsible for his severe injury and Petia’s life-threating injury which resulted him in unable to fly for the rest of his life. Maksim has sent his deepest apologies to the man and hopes he can live the rest of his life peacefully.

    With Tigron and their sponsor finally out of the way, everyone went back to racing for one last tournament, which Maksim had to sit out, but he was able to support his team from the sidelines and help them finish strong in fourth. The season came to a wrap and while Triakis finished in the mid-pack no higher than seventh, he was glad that at least he was able to get the team where they finished. There was a lot of ups and downs in the season, but he was able to make it through.

    Many things have happened throughout the season. Many journalist have begun to speak to Maksim for answers about him, his motives, past, his rivalry between him and Michael Sanderson of AG-Systems, and his future plans, which he was more than happy to answer the many questions for his interviewers. With a lot of confusion cleared up, Maksim got a lot of news from his friends and doctors. One of the most notable news he received was that Xavier Chaffin made a public announcement at a recent press conference that he would be leaving the racing scene and Vincent Stephenson would be taking over his lead pilot seat for the next FX500 season, with Buster Harding taking the second seat and Lauren Taylor taking the third. Many Triakis officials, and his friends to an extent, were shock to see him go, but Maksim wasn’t surprised. Xavier had a difficult time making friends aside from Assegai, something that Maksim was able to observe very easily. Not to mention the many aggressive tactics Xavier taught him, which caused the Talon’s Junction Concordia Loop Accident, something that Xavier regrets. Maksim has sent his farewell to the man and wished him luck on his future endeavors. The doctors on the other hand gave him news that once he recovers from his injuries, he’ll be cleared to race for Triakis once again. Maksim was more than happy to get back on the track and race, without any interferences of course. It’ll be for a while, but he’ll be the one to beat in Eliminator events. After his recovery and clearance to engage in rigorous activities, Maksim has trained himself up to work hard and give it his all in the next JX350 season. With his teammates at his side, he is prepared this time to be a force to be reckoned with on the track.

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