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Thread: New F-Zero Unlikely, Bleak Outlook for the Futuristic Racers?

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    Default New F-Zero Unlikely, Bleak Outlook for the Futuristic Racers?

    While we're all aware of WipEout's current state for the future, it now appears that it's older brother F-Zero is struggling to make a definite return.

    With Mario Kart 8 introducing anti-gravity features, people started to raise questions. Miyamoto has this to say about F-Zero:

    "I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game," Miyamoto said. "I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."

    While I joined WipEout at the HD era, I had grown up playing the other two most popular Futuristic Racers, F-Zero and Extreme-G. It's a shame that these three franchises appear to be dying out. Modern arcade racers such as NFS and Burnout are great to play, but the Futuristic Racers with their art style, difficulty, demand for quick reflexes, wild track design and unrivaled sense of speed have always been the most enjoyable to play for me.

    Nintendo, Y U No Got Boost Power!? I just don't want to see these games go so soon

    Thoughts? Read the full article here.

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    I'd just like to say; Mario Kart 8. WHAT A NICE, CREATIVE, PRODUCTIVE NAME. 7 was an alright name; lucky 7 and such, but now they follow up with 8 (although that's luckier for me...^^') ?? SO DAMN CREATIVE.

    Mario Kart introducing anti-grav may have a negative or positive impact on F-Zero. Developers may think that after one anti-grav game, they don't want to develop another. However, I believe Mario Kart would still have normal karts and such, maybe leaving people to demand a full anti-grav game.

    Futuristic racers, I think, are not widely valued as a whole. The most important/most played are indeed FPSs, and CoD and Halo's communities are already large. Maybe futuristic games are almost considered 'nerdy' by people, although I have no clue as to why they may think this. That being said, isn't Halo futuristic?

    F-Zero has appeared in that new Nintendo Land thing on the Wii U though, just not an entire game on it. If they don't keep it, maybe Super Smash Bros could include Captain Falcon like in Brawl or something. I don't know at this stage.

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    Smash Bros will always have C.Falcon. His punch is one of the most iconic things about the series, and you can bet the internet will go up in arms if he didn't make it to the next one. The Nintendoland F-zero game was too slow, intended for a casual audience, but I can trust Nintendo that when it's a mothership title of F-Zero they'll keep it as hardcore as it's ever been.

    What baffles me is that Miyamoto is out of ideas for the franchise. The series hasn't even embraced HD and online yet. With Miiverse and potentially 30 player Races I find it hard to believe that there's a lack of ideas being put up front for development.

    As an Arcade racer it also would suit the Free to Play model, racing in tourneys, earning tickets for parts, ships, colours, emblems (as F-zero GX had). Updates to add more features, challenges akin to GX's story mode events. Player has the choice to buy extra tickets with real money to get character/part they really wanted, and also use a ticket to continue in a tournament they lost all their lives for. I could talk about new ways for this franchise to work forever.

    Something really awesome for a race with so many players is for online chat to adapt to your current position. For example while in 3rd place you'll be able to communicate with those close in front and behind you for pressure and taunting. That would be so sick.

    I still think there's something going on with the franchise in development but Miyamoto is not satisfied with what's being experimented so far. There has been way too many deals on F-Zero games lately, such as the original for 30 cents on Wii U for a limited time, F-Zero X now offered on the Nintendo Club for 300 coins etc.

  4. #4
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    miyamoto needs new ideas?
    - add 30 player online multiplayer
    - add 1080p3D60Hz
    - add track editor like the 64DD had
    - add X-CUP online mode
    - make all race tracks of all f-zero games available
    - add reverse mode for all tracks
    - add online shop for custom parts...

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