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Thread: Reverse Engineering

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    I made the second version already, but missed a few stats in the process of fixing it. The slowdown is far better than the handling going to hell. I have some other ideas with weapons as well. It's not done. This is going to be used in the NA tourney, since ALL ship stats are the same

    I also made the fast version, pretty fun. The fast ships are hard to keep off the walls, and if you hit too much you slow down more.

    The super ship version needs to be tweaked. The ships can go faster than the zone ship, but if you adjust it too much faster you start going through the floor and walls

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    GMT + 1
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    Maybe I should give it a go, too. WipEout Fusion already is a pretty fast game, if you ask me, so speed is okay with me. It’s the AI that bothers me a bit. It feels like their weapons do less damage than the player’s one. Also some ships stats are too weak for the strong battles, resulting in countless eliminations per race.
    But the biggest problem probably is changing the handling without the ships taking off the track in loopings and such.

    Shame one has to re-pack the whole file over and over again for the emulator to read it. Would be so much easier if it could just read the extracted files with no reboot required as well.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    I'm using a modded ps2 to pay it on, so it actually plays perfect which is cool. I was trying to get the ship to go into the air off bumps( like pure), but have been unsuccessful so far. I'm thinking there may need to be a break in the track for this to happen, so if part of the track ( thin) could be removed at the top of every hill and bump, it might work.

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