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Thread: top 3/5/10/whatever list of the most frustrating games u ever played

  1. #21
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    You know, your guess is good as mine even in Calderidge which I love this track with big rig but I do prefer bike. and yet I struggled to beat them!

    My advice to you is, just trust to yourself and you will get there. If for ranking points, try to stay under top four every race, no matter what!
    That`s how I got my plat.

    Now I`m reaching 75% on Apocalypse atm.

    Just add my psn


  2. #22
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    1.pic: swamp
    2.pic: new way of speedrunning
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flint Fandango View Post
    2.] NES - Battle Toads
    Frustrating hard - on all platforms.
    Lawl. The first level is a trap to lure you in. I hate the second level xD

  4. #24
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    I think we should add Megaman NES series in here, Nes controllers were sturdy for a reason.

  5. #25
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    in no particular order

    EARTHBOUND: which is fresh in my mind because I recently played through it. enemies that dodge your attacks and critical hit you frequently. tiny and awkward to use inventory system where you lug around half your key items so you don't have to backtrack. if somebody in your party dies, you have to walk all the way to a hospital and then walk all the way back to the dungeon you were in. you have to scroll through a mountain of text whenever you save. most enemies can put status effects on you. strange scrolling health bar system where you have to rush to finish a battle before one of your characters dies... this is balanced by letting enemies insta-kill you with ease... which sometimes forces you into auto-fighting because the computer doesn't have to waste time scrolling through menus to attack and heal. all this against the backdrop of the light hearted and silly game world. gameplay wise, i don't think earthbound could have been less fun if they tried.

    EXTREME G 3: bikes that can't handle the courses+ shield that is also your boost energy. this while trying to pass every bike on the field where the AI constantly throws mines at you, mines which are impossible to see. for the love of god play eg4 instead, its a lot easier but will make you feel good about yourself. its even funny sometimes.

    PHANTOM BRAVE: the most bizarre and obtuse character/item leveling system ever devised by man probably. a 360 movement range on units that always leaves you an inch too short from where you need to be. also, sometimes you get super slidey terrain that makes unit positioning damn near impossible. no teh fun.

  6. #26
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    i played a few SNES sessions recently, and found a game i must add to my list.
    4. Starwing / Starfox - SNES
    one of the few games on the SNES i wasn't able to complete. i never defeated andross. and the only way im able to advance to the last boss battle, is taking the 'easy' route. this is a really 'HARD' game.

    btw. 'Super Soccer - SNES' anyone? defeated the 'Nintendo-Team' with GER / ITA / IRL. all other teams aren't good enough in defense (especially goalkeeper).
    Last edited by JFthebestJan; 12th October 2011 at 01:17 PM.

  7. #27
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    The main most frustrating game for me is WipEout HD. I don't think there is any other game out there I have let frustrate me as much, probably ever.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flint Fandango View Post
    Yeah, this thread was absolutely essential!

    Here´s my "Top 3" list:


    If you might receive the impression that I really hate the NES...yes, that´s the plain truth.
    Hehe, every played Captain Planet? Unbelieveable how much I tried as a child. Of course never beat the game though I was a big Captain Planet fan. Not as hard as Battletoads but hard enough. I had Double Dragon3 on GameBoy. Part 2 was so good and then that...unplayable,really!

  9. #29
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    @Darkdrium777: Lol, good one!

    @Autechom: Thanks, how could I forget that damn game...I´ve spent 25 Euro for CP back in the days...
    A very frustrating game indeed, but I finished it - thanks to the useful GameGenie! The ultimate weapon.
    Don´t worry, the ending sequence was crappy anyway, NES-style.

  10. #30
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    The mod Portal : Prelude comes to mind. I'm not usually one to attack fanworks, that the guys do for free on their free times and all that stuff, but I just can't understand all the hype.
    It felt a bit like if the game was trying to do its best at being frustrating under the guise of being for "hardcore gamers". Dunno maybe I'm just a sorry noob but I never thought that hardcore meant "uselessly frustrating". The puzzles were never hard to solve but actually apply those solution in practice was just nightmarish. Last official testing room, I'm looking at you (WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE CEILING SO LOW ****WIT ?) Some jumps are barely feasible, even using crouch jumping, impromptu timed sequences where you NEED to die once to get it just kills me. Especially when some triggers aren't visible.
    At first I thought "okay, maybe it's part of me just being extremely noobish and unlucky there, let's redo it with the dev comments".
    And there I realized the guy intended it to be frustrating. And called that fun.
    "Yeah, here I juts used a game design element called bounce (or whatever) where the player has to focus on a secondary objective for a moment and blablabla"
    ->that's supposed to be an excuse for annoying useless backtracking ?
    "I lowered the ceiling/added a (timed) death trap just to laugh at people failing"
    "Manhacks are just here for the atmosphere, they don't deal significant damage"
    ->significant enough to get me killed in a single ripple instead of 2

    Well now I wish I had cheated earlier than the last boss fight^^
    [/end of rant]

    That's not to say it's all bad. There are some good sections sometimes and the quality overall is good. But it really feels like it wasn't worth my efforts^^

    If you're looking for a good portal mod, Portal Pro is the best imo

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