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Thread: New 2097 record on Valparaiso!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Lima, Perú


    Thanks Arnaud!, how is work?, dont get too distracted!

    Man your record was hard to break even considering i have the first lap advantage; well anyways going into a more serious theme i hope things are going great, dont let Wipeout distract you!, play when you have time.

    Lance : well i just take a peek during the race, and top speeds also come in places that you need less attention, the tradeoff is that you may end hitting the track´s wall but its important to know your speeds and laptimes to know what you can correct and improve(cheking laptimes REALLY distract you, specially in Sagarmatha where theres an S curve right after the laptime shows) , and its very important to do that when your experimenting race lines and techniques; sometimes when i am checking things out i dont care if im going to plant myself into a wall if it is to test a new way that improves the race .

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    but Arnaud, it iS friday night! and it's good to see you!

    Mano, i need all my conscious attention for looking where i'm going. even on slower classes. i can sort of tell how i'm doing relative to previous times just by looking at how fast the scenery is moving relative to the ship, though this is a bit 'soft data' and depends on your current alertness status for its psychological 'feel'. generally i've just tried to remember what line i took on each lap and how well or badly i executed it, then look at the laptimes after the race is over. at such high speeds on rapier and phantom, the time during which one has to do no controlling seems very short, so i generally don't look at the HUD at all, though it may impinge on my subconscious attention. if i do look, i generally crash. that may be the slow reactions due to my advanced age. dunno. maybe when i get more comfortable with phantom speeds, i will be able to look, but right now, i don't even watch speed numbers on vector class. i may have to start paying attention though, if i can. maybe i'll have to resort to videotape replay analysis.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Hamburg, Germany
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    Mano and everyone else concerned: Do you really LOOK DOWN to the speed indicator t get a clear idea of how fast you are going? I found it enough to leave the eyes right on the track but kinda focus on the lower right HUD reading. For me that's possible without really looking away.
    Lance: Seems to me that your skill in staying at the ideal line far outdoes any bonus you would get from knowing your speed, anyway.

    Hmmm, honestly, I usually don't care much for the speedmeter. I thought I'd get a good idea about where I may have lost some mph and which driving style lets the ship go faster. Maybe I should think again.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Lima, Perú


    Even getting your focus out can lead to a crash, panoramic vision doesnt give you enough detail in the extreme sides to make out the data quickly, specially lap times, also thinknig about what you could have done or what you can improve diverts attention and unfocuses you from the actual race.

    But yeah, for the speed meter you dont need to move your eyes, but the results can be the same.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    this whole discussiion between Mano, Al, and Arnaud has centered around getting and sustaining maximum possible speed. it seems to be working for them. i just don't think i can do it that way. lately i've just been trying to find the line that's the shortest and smoothest, keeping right to it without overcontrolling. i hardly even pay attention in any but a very few places on all the tracks [coff *odessa keys* coff] put together to pitch and bottoming-out. but i don't drive phantom much

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Hamburg, Germany
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    You're right, Mano. The best way to drive is to test theories, try different lines and watch the speed-meter for many laps - and THEN go on record hunting. This at least is how it works for me. I am able to do fast laps and races only when I rely almost entirely on instinct.


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