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Thread: PS3 cooling.

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    It's especially stupid to keep saying "Oh I won't get a PS3 because apparently it runs pretty hot and might die" when you bought the very specific console known worldwide for systematic hardware failures due to overheating.
    I did no such thing; I did not buy one of the original models, the ones notorious for, according to your earlier statement, 30 percent failure rates, but instead I bought the very latest model, one made about 2 months before I got it, a model which runs barely warm in 90 degree F ambient temperatures. I am not being fanboyish in having concerns about the behaviour of the models being discussed by Eric, particularly since my consoles must run in more severe conditions than his, and I might therefore hesitate, awaiting further info and hardware news, rather than dash out and buy a reasonably priced used model, which may be truly known by someone's personal experience for running hot in environments more forgiving than the one I live in.

    And bless you, sir, for calling my actions, and by extension, me, especially stupid.

  2. #2
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    You keep talking about research, news, etc. You have done this for purchasing your Xbox. I am telling you: what you are looking for for the PS3 is out there. Yet you have not done a single thing to look for it. Not a single thing.
    I have told you: the newer models run much cooler than the older ones. From personal, hands on experience: FrostE's 40GB was amazingly cool back at Al's place, while my and AG-Wolf's 60GB was hot. We had windows and doors closed and the air conditioning was barely functioning. It was like when I left my 60GB run for a full day on Folding@Home with doors and windows closed in a room with no ventilation, it was really hot in that room and in Al's living room. The test I talk about, with the console running at 120F, was made near launch, it was a 60GB, which runs hotter than the newer models. It ran in a sauna for 108 hours. The new models run cooler than the old, expect by logical extension that they will also be able to run 108 hours at 120F.
    The new PS3 slim is designed to run even cooler than the last few of the fat models. It generates less heat by using less power. It is a technical specification you can find posted on many gaming sites now.
    I keep telling you this, that there are no significant hardware flaws on the PS3, but each time I read you talking about the PS3, I read "Oh there's this minor annoyance, oh the old models run pretty hot; so I might not buy one new model after all." You expect me to say: "That's very intelligent thinking." I am wasting my time telling you to go out and read, because you won't do it.


    Old models run hot.
    New models run cool.

    Just like your new XBox model.

    Look it up, or don't.

    Here: last bits of info on this "heat problem" which isn't even one.
    Read here about the PS3's processor die sizes. A smaller die size means the processor will use less energy to run, and will therefore produce less heat.
    Look at the evolution of the processor sizes on the charts on this page.
    Notice how they shrink? As the models get released, the processors get smaller and use less energy. We're down to 65nm/65nm for the most recent fat models. From my experience, the 65/90 model produces much less heat than my 90/90 60GB model.
    Now look here. The new PS3 slim is a 45/65. 45 nanometers. It's half the size of my processor! Correlation to energy requirements and heat production is not proportional, but you can expect it's gonna be a shitload less than a 90/90!

    See, I told you it's out there. You just didn't look well enough and went on thinking there was an issue when there isn't as you might see now.
    Last edited by Darkdrium777; 21st August 2009 at 07:04 PM.

  3. #3
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    To Darkdrium: I have read of many people's experiences with the PS3 models here on these forums, and had previously thought that the 40 might be the best one if I bought a used one. As I have stated on another thread here, I am considering buying one of the new slim models, which I checked out online yesterday, and mentioned in that thread that it would be likely to be a cooler running model because of integration and simplification, as well as being cheaper. I would probably regard that as the best value even if it cost more than a used example of the ones being discussed here.

    I do not really consider tests in non-real world conditions, but prefer to rely on people's personal experience, particularly when those people seem to be fairly objective.

    I do not expect you to say anything positive about my actions or thoughts since you seem to have a personal grudge towards me.

    I am glad to see that you are of the opinion that new models run cool, since I have been telling you this for some time. You seem to have discovered in the course of the last hour that this is true of new Xbox 360s, not just PS3s.

    Your intense angry attitude is out of line, and your constant recent criticism of the Xbox 360 of any vintage, no matter what more recent developments actually are, seems non-objective. Are you as unforgiving of your real-life friends' mistakes as you are to other mistakes made by humans you don't know personally?


    To all of us: There were already four posts about the PS3 cooling before I even commented, and since then we have hijacked this thread. When I find the time, I'd like to separate out the PS3 discussion from the themes and avatars discussion. Please let us try to post ontopic in this thread, and I'll try to move the PS3 posts to a new topic if the battery in the laptop holds out long enough. I disconnected from the power line because there is a lightning storm going on here right now, having arrived 3.5 hours earlier than predicted while I still had wet, clean, jeans hanging on the clothesline. I'll try to reduce the quote below even further.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    You keep talking about research, news, etc. You have done this for purchasing your Xbox. I am telling you: what you are looking for for the PS3 is out there. Yet you have not done a single thing to look for it. Not a single thing.

    The new PS3 slim is designed to run even cooler than the last few of the fat models. It generates less heat by using less power. It is a technical specification you can find posted on many gaming sites now.

    I keep telling you this, that there are no significant hardware flaws on the PS3, but each time I read you talking about the PS3, I read "Oh there's this minor annoyance, oh the old models run pretty hot; so I might not buy one new model after all." You expect me to say: "That's very intelligent thinking." I am wasting my time telling you to go out and read, because you won't do it.

    Old models run hot.
    New models run cool.

    Just like your new XBox model.

    Look it up, or don't.

  4. #4
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    "I do not expect you to say anything positive about my actions or thoughts since you seem to have a personal grudge towards me."
    No. Nothing of the likes. I've already said I hoped you enjoyed your Xbox somewhere else. What I am replying to is the fact that you are thinking there are heat issues for the PS3. I am trying to convince you that there isn't enough to be constantly worried about. Particularly with the newer models, which you seem to know so why post that you are worried?

    "You seem to have discovered in the course of the last hour that this is true of new Xbox 360s, not just PS3s." I am not saying with:
    "when you bought the very specific console known worldwide for systematic hardware failures due to overheating."
    that all Xbox 360s run hot. What I said was: the Xbox 360 is known worldwide for the RRoD, which is a systematic hardware failure due to overheating. That's what it is, it's fact. I never talked about new or old models there. I know that the new models don't have this issue as much, though they still have issues as illustrated by this poll (Which is most likely not representative.)

    "Are you as unforgiving of your real-life friends' mistakes as you are to other mistakes made by humans you don't know personally?" I am unforgiving when faced with mis/disinformation, yes. I always say: if you don't know, don't talk. It's not 100% cut and dry of course, but the posts I've seen from you being constantly worried about the PS3 made me try to convince you that the situation is different. I don't know if it's personally that you thought it up, or if someone has been telling you this, but there isn't so much of a heat issue with the PS3 as there once was with the Xbox 360.

  5. #5
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    My 'worry' was about a buying a used old model, not a new one. Was that not clear? You seem so ready to jump on my comments particularly that it indicates you are still angry that I banned you for a week, though you were lucky enough that Foxxy did not agree with the ban, though I should have banned another 2 or 3 for inflammatory remarks made days before I was back on the forum again, in addition to you, which omission, of seeming unfairness, resulted in much angry criticism of me by you, and the whole sequence being played out in public.

    But Re: the heating issue, it is something that has been so much discussed on the WZ that I naturally have some concern about the models mentioned as running hot, non-real-world sauna testing or not. I think I would be best off getting a new slim PS3 and should indeed probably stop considering the purchase of an older one as an economy. I am on a very limited income [the price I paid for a life of much freedom from the unpleasant], so it is more of a serious consideration than it seems to be for you, seeing as how you apparently have a fairly new four-core PC. I could not afford one of those, it is beyond my means, and I have house repair expenses to consider. So I am more intense about this issue as a practical matter in my hot weather circumstances, rather than giving a lot of value to lab tests, no matter how torturous. There are more kinds of realities in the 'equation' of value than lab results and tech specs. If I were to think that cell count is all important, and I had the cash to act on that, I might have a PS3 sitting in my house right now. Other concerns have resulted in that not being the case. I am being practical in my concerns; I would be a failure as a fanboy. As always we each rely on our own analysis of our personal needs, desires. Please stop trying so hard to convince me that your analysis of what's right and important should work for me. And stop calling me foolish or stupid when I don't agree with you.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lance View Post
    resulted in much angry criticism of me by you, and the whole sequence being played out in public.
    Wait wait wait wuh?
    I was angry, yes, that the other two or three people (Including Rob, for the same type of comment he made) weren't banned. That seemed quite unfair. A fair policy would have been to ban them all. So yeah I was kinda angry. Was also kinda angry because people kept bumping the stupid thing up and down when the issue was already solved (in other threads too). I said I didn't like it so much that you only banned me and not the others. I also said I didn't want an apology from you. I didn't criticize you as much as I could have though, or called you names, or whatever... Would you like to have another read?
    Besides, way to go for bringing in another topic again... >.< My PM box has 182 spots left.

    I already explained why I was replying to you: I don't/didn't understand why it was such a concern/worry about every little thing that could possibly happen. That is why I was saying: look this doesn't happen as much, you shouldn't worry, etc. You're talking about financial issues, now that's an explanation.

    And finally, I'm sorry.

  7. #7
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    Lance, for what it's worth, my PS3 (a third gen unit with 80 gig hard-drive) runs cool as a cucumber and has had zero problems of any sort.

    I kinda wish that electronics makers were required by law to report to report failure rates as a "consumers' rights" issue. It is hard to know what real world failure rates are.

    BTW, Lance, do you have a PSP yet? One of the best values in gaming ATM

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