This is not about settings, or maybe it is in a way, but i think it's near enough of the topic.

SO, i think i'm a bit neurotic to the way i sit when i'm playing, i have only two possible position that will do (would be only one if my legs wouldn't hurt after 20-30 minutes), otherwise i feel like i'm sitting somehow "wrong" and i feel uneasy, which means i'm all over the place. It's not only how i put my legs, it's also my hands, if i move them like 5cm from the "right" place it stars buggin' me instantly.

And if i'm not exactly in the middle of my sofa it's almost impossible to play, sometimes when my wife is reading a book on the sofa, she usually sit's at the either end of the sofa half sitting, and half laying down (try to understand what i mean ) so, i need to ask her to move her legs so i can sit on the middle. Ofcourse she says: why can't you sit at the other end? Ehm.. ya know, i just can't.. At that point i usually feel little bit stupid. OK, i know that the biggest issue on that one is, that wipeout is hard to play if you don't look straight to the tv, or at least i think so If i sat at the end of the sofa and turned my tv pointing straight towards me, it would not be a problem, BUT guess if i can find my sitting position there? no.. it can only be done in the middle